
(9月26日)Publishing in RSC Journals and Editors’ tips on how to increase your impact
日期:2023-09-18 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报  告  人: Dr. May Copsey (Executive Editor

报告时间: 2023-09-26上午10:30~下午12:00

报告地点: 科技园阳光楼中401会议室


The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) publishes over 50 leading journals that span the core chemical sciences and related fields. Known for rigorous, fair peer review and fast publication times, RSC journals publish high-quality science from across the world, from original research articles to authoritative reviews. This talk from May Copsey (Executive Editor, Chemical Science) will present guidance on how to publish in RSC journals, including personal advice from Chemical Science Associate Editors, Zaiping Guo, Yitao Long and Andrei Yudin on how they assess submissions, how to best emphasize the novelty of your research, and responding to reviewer comments. Open access publishing options, including some of the RSC’s newly-launched journals will also be covered.


个人简介:May Copsey博士是英国皇家化学学会旗舰期刊《化学科学》的执行编辑。 她于2006年加入英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry),担任助理编辑,而后在不同化学刊物进行编辑工作,包括《道尔顿学报》(Dalton Transactions)、《晶体通讯》(CrystEngComm)和《材料化学杂志》(Journal of Materials Chemistry)等。2018年开始,她正式开始执掌《化学科学》期刊,她对科研论文的撰写与发表经验丰富。