
(11月18日)2023年海上丝绸之路国际产学研用合作 会议碳中和分会场会议议程
日期:2023-11-14 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报  告  人: Masakazu Anpo等

报告时间: 2023-11-18上午09:30~

报告地点: 科技园一楼报告厅

组织单位: 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名

2023/11/18Saturday 星期六




参会者注册Registration of Delegates




省厅领导致辞A speech by the Representative of Fujian Province


福州大学领导致辞A speech by the Representative of Fuzhou   University


会议主席致辞A speech by the Conference Chair




Tea Break(科技园一楼报告厅)


分会会议主席致辞A speech by the Conference Chair

Session 1 Chair: Yuanxing Fang (方元行), Fuzhou University

Plenary lecture

09:30-10:10 线下


Title: Solar Hydrogen Is the Key Issue for the Achievement of Carbon Neutrality
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Masakazu Anpo (安保正一), Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, Fuzhou University / Osaka Prefecture University, China / Japan

Plenary lecture


JP 11:10-11:50


Title: Control of electron transfer reactions for efficient water splitting by a dye-sensitized photocatalyst
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Kazuhiko Maeda (前田和彦), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan


Tea Break

Session 2 Chair: Guigang Zhang (张贵刚), Fuzhou University

Invited Lecture


HK 11:00-11:20


Title: Carbon Nitride Roller Coaster: Uphill and Downhill Electron Transfer with Photocharged Poly (Heptazine Imides)
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Oleksandr SAVATIEIEV, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Invited Lecture


AUS 14:20-14:40


Title: Microenvironment tuning for CO2 electrocatalysis
Speaker(报告人): Dr. Fengwang Li(李逢旺), The University of Sydney, Australia


Lunch Time

Session 3 Chair: Guigang Zhang (谭理), Fuzhou University

Plenary lecture


JP 15:00-15:40


Title: New Synthesis Reactions by Tailor-Made Catalysts in CO/CO2 Hydrogenation
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Noritatsu Tsubaki (椿范立), Fellow of the Engineering Academy of Japan, University of Toyama, Japan

Invited Lecture


Kr 15:40-16:00


Title: Cobalt-electrocatalyzed radical-polar crossover hydrofunctionalization of alkenes
Speaker(报告人):Dr. Hyunwoo Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea


Tea Break

Session 4 Chair: Mingdeng Wei (魏明灯), Fuzhou University

Plenary lecture



Title: Piezo- and Pyro- Catalytic Water Splitting
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Haitao Huang (黄海涛), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Plenary lecture



Title: Advances in Potassium-ion Batteries: Materials Design and Solid Electrolyte Interface Analysis
Speaker(报告人): Dr. Kwun Nam Hui(许冠南), University of Macau, Macau


Tea Break

Session 5 Chair: Xing Huang(黄兴), Fuzhou University

Plenary lecture


GER 10:40-11:20


Title: The dynamic of active catalysts revealed by operando electron microscopy
Speaker(报告人): Prof. Marc Willinger(克威林格), Technical University of Munich, Germany

Invited Lecture


UK 10:20-10:40


Title: Solution-processible conjugated polymers as photocatalysts for hydrogen generation from water
Speaker(报告人): Dr. Sebastian Sprick, University of Strathclyde, Britain



报告题目: Solar Hydrogen Is the Key Issue for the Achievement of Carbon Neutrality

报告人: Masakazu Anpo





What is carbon neutrality? Carbon neutrality means net zero carbon. This means that any actions that lead to emissions would be accompanied by other actions that confidently reduce or offset the emissions. I think that new developments in carbon neutrality lie in a broad range of low-carbon technologies including renewable energy and energy storage, decarbonization of traditional energy, carbon capture, carbon sink and carbon sequestration, strategies to tackling climate change as well as environment and energy.

The massive consumption of fossil fuels has induced global warming due to an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration as well as environmental and energy issues. A promising scientific approach to address these issues is to develop clean and sustainable energy which also enables to reduction of CO2 emission. Converting clean and unlimited solar energy into H2 through photocatalytic overall water splitting is an ideal and key technology for the production of environmental, sustainable, and ecological clean energy to achieve a carbon-neutral society. As shown in Fig. 1, in the 19th and 20th centuries, catalysis played an important role in overcoming difficult problems threatening human survival. In the near future in the 21st century, photocatalysis to produce H2 from water under sunlight light irradiation (Solar Hydrogen) will play a decisive role in Caron Neutral society in the same way as catalysis did.


Masakazu ANPO is presently a Special Honorary Professor & International Advisor at the State Key Laboratory of Photocatalysis on  Energy and Environment, Fuzhou University after his retirement in March 2015 from Osaka Prefecture University (presently, Osaka Metropolitan University) where he worked for 40 years and served as Vice President, Executive Director (Emeritus Professor since 2015). He is a member of Academia Europaea and the Science Council of Japan, Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society, and Editor-in-Chief, Res. Chem. Intermed. (Springer). He is a pioneer in the research of heterogeneous photochemistry on solid surfaces including photocatalysis and published the first book, “Photocatalysis” in 1988 from Asakura Shoten and then “Photochemistry on Solid Surfaces” in 1989 from Elsevier. He has published over 120 books.

报告题目: Control of electron transfer reactions for efficient water splitting by a dye-sensitized photocatalyst

报告人: Kazuhiko Maeda





Dye-sensitization of a wide-gap oxide is a typical example of artificial photosynthetic scheme for water splitting. While dye-sensitized metal oxides are good candidates as H2 evolution photocatalysts for solar-driven Z-scheme water splitting, their solar-to-hydrogen (STH) energy conversion efficiencies remains low because of uncontrolled charge recombination reactions. Here it is shown that modification of Ru dye-sensitized, Pt- intercalated HCa2Nb3O10 nanosheets (Ru/Pt/HCa2Nb3O10) with both amorphous Al2O3 and poly(styrenesulfonate) (PSS) improves the STH efficiency of Z-scheme overall water splitting by a factor of ~100, when the nanosheets are used in combination with a WO3-based O2 evolution photocatalyst and an I3–/I– redox mediator, relative to an analogous system that uses unmodified Ru/Pt/HCa2Nb3O10. The Al2O3 and PSS modifiers, which have previously been shown to suppress back electron transfer reactions in a dye-sensitized H2 evolution photocatalyst, enabled operation of the Z-scheme system even at low intensity of simulated sunlight without a decrease in the STH values. By using the optimized photocatalyst, PSS/Ru/Al2O3/Pt/HCa2Nb3O10, a maximum STH of 0.12% and an apparent quantum yield of 4.1% at 420 nm were obtained, by far the highest among dye-sensitized water splitting systems and also comparable to conventional semiconductor-based suspended particulate photocatalyst systems.


Kazuhiko Maeda received his PhD from The University of Tokyo (2007) under the supervision of Professor Kazunari Domen. During 2008–2009, he was a postdoctoral fellow at The Pennsylvania State University, where he worked with Professor Thomas E. Mallouk. He then joined The University of Tokyo as an Assistant Professor in 2009. Moving to Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2012, he was promoted to an Associate Professor. He was also appointed as a PRESTO/JST researcher during 2010–2014. In 2022, he was promoted to a Full Professor of School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since 2022, he has been a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). His major research interest is heterogeneous photocatalysis for light to chemical energy conversion, with a focus on water splitting and CO2 fixation. He published more than 220 peer-reviewed papers on international journals with more than 47,000 citations and h-index of 88.

报告题目: Carbon Nitride Roller Coaster: Uphill and Downhill Electron Transfer with Photocharged Poly (Heptazine Imides)

报告人: Oleksandr Savateev





Graphitic carbon nitrides are widely studied in photocatalysis. When mixed with electron donors and excited with light, carbon nitrides undergo photocharging – they form persistent radicals, which survive for days under anaerobic conditions. These persistent radicals are sufficiently reactive to serve as reductants in the dark. Therefore, the whole photochemical process can be separated into two steps – i) light harvesting and energy storage in the form of reactive radical species in the semiconductor and ii) chemical reaction in the dark using stored in the carbon nitride electrons. The density of electrons stored in the photocharged carbon nitride defines reductive power of this state. A mildly-photocharged carbon nitride, in which statistically one electron is stored on a large number of heptazine units (typically > 20), is a stronger reductant compared to a carbon nitride, in which statistically each heptazine unit bears an extra electron. These unexpected findings allow using carbon nitrides and solar light to enable uphill reactions and potentially contribute to carbon neutrality.


Dr. Oleksandr Savateev is a Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD degree in organic chemistry from the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in 2016, and later joined Colloid Chemistry department of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interface as a postdoctoral researcher, where he worked with Prof. Markus Antonietti. Shortly after that he started his group, which has been working on synthesis and application of graphitic carbon nitrides as heterogeneous photocatalysts in organic synthesis. He received several national German and European grants and a member of consortia of researchers that work on solving acute energy problems by means of solar light and photocatalysis. He created the Database of Photocharged Materials. In 2023, he moved to the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include organic synthesis mediated by heterogeneous photocatalysts, application of photocharged semiconductors in organic synthesis and data-driven research. He is an editor and author of several books, including “Carbon nitrides. Structure, properties and applications in science and technology”, and author of more than 90 research articles.

报告题目: Microenvironment tuning for CO2 electrocatalysis

报告人: 李逢旺







李逢旺于中国人民大学获得化学学士和硕士学位,2017年在澳大利亚莫纳什大学获得化学博士学位,2018-2020在加拿大多伦多大学完成博士后研究,现任悉尼大学化学与生物分子工程系助理教授,研究方向为电化学催化。李逢旺在Nature, Science, Nature Catalysis, Nature Synthesis, Nature Communications等国际顶级期刊上迄今发表了90余篇研究论文和4项美国、澳大利亚专利。获得2023年澳洲博物馆Eureka奖(青年项)、入围2021年《麻省理工科技评论》35岁以下创新者中国榜单、2020年澳大利亚研究委员会优秀青年研究员奖,以及2020年皇家澳大利亚化学会青年电化学家奖。

报告题目: New Synthesis Reactions by Tailor-Made Catalysts in CO/CO2 Hydrogenation

报告人: Tsubaki Noritatsu





Highly selective converting CO/CO2 to target fuels and chemicals attracts wide attention, due to its high efficiency, controllable product selectivity, and industrial application prospect. In recent years, our group developed some new synthesis reactions by tailor-made catalysts in CO/CO2 hydrogenation, realizing the efficient production of liquid fuels and various chemicals, such as ethanol, gasoline (C5-C11), jet fuel (C8-C16), diesel (C10-C20), value-added aromatics, and so on.

Aromatics, as the most important platform chemicals in the polymer industry, are mainly produced from the petroleum refining process. It is highly urgent to seek an alternative pathway for aromatics synthesis, especially para-Xylene (PX). As shown in Figure below, a newly designed bifunctional catalysts composed of reducible metal oxide and modified acidic zeolite (H-ZSM-5@SiO2) were developed for the direct synthesis of aromatics from CO/CO2 hydrogenation. After regulating the external surface acidity of zeolite, the production of PX was obviously promoted, achieving the high PX selectivities of 27.6% and 38.7% in CO and CO2 hydrogenation, respectively. Recently, our research group is cooperating with Nippon Steel Corporation to explore the key industrial issues for the large-scale production of PX from CO/CO2 hydrogenation (funded by NEDO).

Direct production of liquid fuels from CO/CO2 hydrogenation is also an important research direction. We loaded cobalt nanoparticles on alkaline ions (La, Ce and K) modified mesoporous Y-zeolite for CO hydrogenation. By tuning the porosity and acid properties of zeolite, different kinds of liquid fuels were produced. Outstanding selectivity of gasoline (74%), jet fuel (72%) and diesel fuel (58%) were respectively achieved in CO hydrogenation via Fischer–Tropsch synthesis.

In addition, a self-catalytic reactor (SCR) prepared by metal 3D printed technology, was first designed and applied for CO/CO2 hydrogenation reactions by our group. The hydrocarbons distribution in CO hydrogenation could be regulated by simply tuning the inner geometrical structure of Co-SCR. Without any additional catalyst, the brand-new SCR perfectly integrates the metal-based catalyst and reactor. This technology develops a new research direction for C1 catalysis and makes on-board, on-ship, or on-ocean compact chemical factory realizable.

In conclusion, these new synthesis reactions driven by tailor-made catalysts have shown great potential of CO/CO2 hydrogenation technology in providing alternative strategies for fuels and chemicals synthesis. Tremendous progress has been made in the rational design of highly efficient catalysts and novel reaction pathways to realize this promising technology.


Dr. N. Tsubaki was born in China and is now a chair professor at University of Toyama, Japan. He earned his PhD in Applied Chemistry from the University of Tokyo in 1995. From 1995-2000, he was assistant prof., lecturer and associate prof. in the University of Tokyo. In 2001, he joined the School of Engineering at University of Toyama as a chair professor.  From 2021, he is founding director of the Sustainable Tech. Center of the University of Toyama.

Throughout his career, his focus has centered on developing innovative catalyst for C1 chemistry and industry catalysis in energy / chemistry, such as CO2, CH4 conversion, and biomass conversion. His research findings have gained widespread recognition, with 150 patents, over 550 SCI papers published and a Google Scholar h-index of 70, accompanied by more than 20,000 citations.

He is a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan and a member of Science Council of Japan, getting Award of Catalysis Society of Japan, Award of Japan Institute of Energy, JSPS Prize, Japan Science and Technology Prize from MEXT of Japan Government.

报告题目: Cobalt-electrocatalyzed radical-polar crossover hydrofunctionalization of alkenes

报告人: Hyunwoo Kim





We disclose a general electrocatalytic hydrofunctionalization by utilizing a wide range of alkenes. The integration of the two involves an electrochemically instigated cobalt-hydride-catalyzed radical-polar crossover of alkenes that enable the generation of key cationic intermediates, which could readily be entrapped by challenging nucleophiles. We highlight the importance of precise control of the reaction potential by electrochemistry in conjunction with the decisive role of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) as the co-solvent to obtain optimal and exclusive chemoselectivity.

In addition, we develop an electrocatalytic method for intramolecular hydroamination of allylic sulfonamides to access azetidines. The merger of cobalt catalysis and electricity enables regioselective generation of key carbocationic intermediates, which could directly undergo intramolecular C-N bond formation. The mechanistic investigations including electrochemical kinetic analysis suggest that the catalyst regeneration by nucleophilic cyclization is involved in the rate-determining step (RDS) of our electrochemical protocol and highlight the ability of electrochemistry in providing ideal means to mediate catalyst oxidation.


Hyunwoo Kim received his B.S. degree in chemistry in 2013 from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2018 from the same institute under the supervision of Prof. Sukbok Chang, and carried out postdoctoral studies with Prof. Song Lin and Prof. Tristan H. Lambert at Cornell University. In 2020, he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience at Ewha Womans University. After two years in Ewha, he moved to Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and continuing his independent research.

报告题目: Piezo- and Pyro- Catalytic Water Splitting

报告人: 黄海涛





Production of green hydrogen via high-efficiency water splitting by using sustainable energy sources is one of the main strategies toward carbon neutrality. Several new types of hydrogen production strategies, such as piezo-catalytic and pyro-catalytic water splitting, have emerged in recent years, where the spontaneous polarizations of ferroelectric materials have been utilized for hydrogen generation by harvesting mechanical vibration or thermal energies from the surrounding environment. In this talk, I will introduce on our recent work in piezo- and pyro-catalytic hydrogen production with a focus on (1) our proposed band theory of spontaneous polarization driven water splitting, and (2) the strategy to efficiently accelerate the pyro-catalytic water splitting. Finally, a future perspective will be given on the spontaneous polarization driven piezo- and pyro-catalytic reactions including, but not limited to the deeper understanding of the catalytic mechanism, rational design of the nanostructured ferroelectric materials, and potential applications.


黄海涛博士,香港理工大学应用物理系终身教授,英国皇家化学会会士。长期从事电介质材料和新型低维纳米结构新能源材料的制备、性能表征及物理机制研究。至今发表包括Nature,Nature PhotonicsNature Communications, Joule和Chem等国际著名学术期刊论文300多篇。位列全球前2%顶尖科学家,并入选“全球10万顶尖科学家榜单”。曾荣获“闽江学者”讲座教授(2016)、王宽诚教育基金会访问学者(2023)、国土资源部科学技术二等奖(2017)、教育部高等学校科研优秀成果自然科学二等奖(2019年)和2023年度香港理工大学理德州扑克平台 杰出成就奖(研究及学术活动)担任多个著名国际学术期刊的客座编辑顾问委员编委,现任国际电化学能源科德州扑克平台 理事和中国能源学会专家组成员

报告题目: Advances in Potassium-ion Batteries: Materials Design and Solid Electrolyte Interface Analysis

报告人: Kwun Nam Hui





Energy storage plays a pivotal role across a wide range of applications, including portable electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy integration. Presently, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are extensively used for various applications due to their unique features. However, concerns have arisen regarding their feasibility and long-term sustainability, owing to the scarcity and uneven geographical distribution of lithium resources. Amidst these considerations, potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) have attracted substantial interest due to their cost-effectiveness and widespread availability. Nonetheless, the significant ionic radius of potassium ions (1.38 Å) presents challenges within graphite electrodes, resulting in electrode materials that demonstrate diminished capacity and limited cyclic stability in PIBs. Among the various reported anode materials for PIBs, phosphorus-based electrodes stand out with the most remarkable theoretical specific capacity (2596 mA h g−1). Unfortunately, these electrodes experiencenotable volume expansion during operation, leading to reduced capacity and insufficient cycling stability.

In this presentation, I will demonstrate that phosphorus-based electrodes in PIBs hold the potential to emerge as competitive alternatives to LIBs for large-scale, sustainable, eco-friendly, and secure energy storage systems. Strategies to enhance the capacity of phosphorus-based electrodes, improve cycling stability, and enhance the electrolyte safety of PIBs will be explored. Of paramount significance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) has been utilized to reveal essential insights into the dynamic evolution of solid electrolyte interphases on phosphorus-based anodes in organic phosphate-based electrolytes. This approach provides an explanation for the extended cycling stability observed in these systems. Lastly, approaches to enhance the cathode electrode for PIBs will also be discussed.


Dr. Kwun Nam Hui is an associate professor at the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering at the University of Macau. He earned his PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2009. Following the completion of his doctorate, he undertook a postdoctoral research position at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2009, Dr. Hui joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Pusan National University in South Korea. Throughout his career, his focus has centered on developing innovative materials and devices for energy storage and conversion. In 2015, Dr. Hui joined the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering at the University of Macau. His current research efforts are dedicated to designing and synthesizing advanced energy storage materials. This involves the exploration of metal-organic frameworks, porous carbon materials, layered oxides, polyanion compounds, disordered compounds, and single-atom catalysts for various energy storage and conversion applications, such as supercapacitors, batteries, and water electrolyzers. Dr. Hui's work has led to significant advancements in understanding the structural and chemical properties of these materials, fostering the development of novel materials and technologies for energy storage and conversion. His research findings have gained widespread recognition, with over 250 SCI papers published and a Google Scholar h-index of 60, accompanied by more than 10,000 citations.

报告题目: The dynamic of active catalysts revealed by operando electron microscopy.

报告人: Marc Willinger





Our aim is to understand processes that lead to the emergence of catalytic function though direct observation using a combination of operando scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Starting with simple model catalysts, such as polycrystalline metal foils, we observe the propagation of chemical waves and reveal how catalytic activity depends on grain orientation, coupling mechanisms and reaction conditions [1]. In the case of redox-reactions on non-noble metals, we find that the active catalyst is operating near a phase-boundary where metallic and oxidized phases co-exist [2]. Real-time imaging reveals fascinating oscillatory redox dynamics that increase in complexity with increasing chemical potential of the gas-phase. When moving from simple model catalysts to industrially relevant metal nanoparticles supported on reducible oxide carriers, we apply in-situ transmission electron microscopy to study effects related to a strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) under reactive conditions [3,4]. Using the archetypical titania supported platinum nanoparticles as a reference system, and hydrogen oxidation as model redox reaction, it will be shown that the well-described encapsulated state of platinum particles is lost as soon as the system is exposed to a redox-active environment. Structural incoherence at the platinum-titania interface lowers the barrier for redox processes, which give rise to dynamic reconstructions and particle migration. The particle orientation on the support determines the structure of the interface and the resulting particle dynamics, migration, and sintering behavior. The aim of the presentation is to demonstrate that active catalysts are dynamically adapting to the reaction environment and that catalytic function is related to the catalysts ability to participate in the reaction through reversible changes in its structure and/or (local) composition.
[1] Barroo C. et al. Nat Catal 3, 30–39 (2020).
[2] Huang X. et al. Adv. Mater. 2101772 (2021).
[3] Beck A. et al. Nat. Catal 4, 488-497 (2021),
[4] H. Frey, A. et al., Science 376, 982-987 (2022)


Marc Willinger studied physics at the Vienna University of Technology and received his PhD from the Technical University of Berlin for work carried out at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society. After a post-doc at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, he returned to the Fritz Haber Institute to lead the electron microscopy group. It was there when he started to develop and implement tools for multiscale operando electron microscopy. In 2018, he accepted a position as technical director at the Scientific Centre for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) at ETH Zurich. Since 2022 he is full professor at the Technical University of Munich. Marc Willinger is interested in the relationship between structure/composition and the resulting physical/chemical properties of materials, in particular the emergence of synergistic effects and non-linear dynamics in non-equilibrium material systems.

报告题目: Solution-processible conjugated polymers as photocatalysts for hydrogen generation from water

报告人: Sebastian Sprick





Photocatalytic hydrogen production from water is a research area of immense interest as hydrogen has been identified as a potential energy carrier of the future. Most of the studied photocatalysts are inorganic and organic materials have been far less studied. Here, I will present our work on the application of conjugated materials as photocatalysts for sacrificial hydrogen production from water. [1,2] We have used a range of different techniques that helped us to gain understanding of the properties that are important for the materials performance, including transient absorption spectroscopy. [3-5] Sacrificial water oxidation [6] and non-sacrificial overall water splitting [7,8] were also studied which shows the potential of these materials for the future clean energy generation.

In this presentation, I will in particular focus on solution processible polymer photocatalysts. The use of solution processability offers significant opportunities going forward in scale up, which will be important given future energy needs. I will show that these remain highly active as thin-films and I will present strategies to increase their hydrogen evolution rates further. [4,5,8]

[1] J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 3265-3270.

[2] Chem. Mater. 2019, 31, 305–313.

[3] Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4968.

[4] Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 1843-1855

[5] J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 19382–19395; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 132, 18854.

[6] J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 16283-1629.

[7] Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e2022012.

[8] J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 7125-7129.


Seb obtained his PhD in 2013 from The University of Manchester developing catalytic systems and their application in the synthesis of organic field-effect transistors in particular polytrarylamines. He moved to the University of Liverpool to pursue postdoctoral work in the area of conjugated microporous polymers initially working on solution processible materials. He then focused on using the extended conjugation of these materials by studying their ability to act as photocatalysts for water splitting. He was promoted to a Research Lead position within the same group leading a team that worked on solar water splitting used a range of organic photocatalysts. He joined the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde in June 2020 as an independent researcher with the goal of developing scalable systems for environmental applications initially particularly focusing on solar fuels generation.