
(9月26日)Design and Performances of Photocatalysts --Light and shadow of a very popular research area--
日期:2020-09-22 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报告题目:Design and Performances of Photocatalysts

--Light and shadow of a very popular research area--



会议ID: 846072724

报 告 人:Prof. Paolo Fornasiero教授(的里亚斯特大学)


In the year 1912 Giacomo Ciamician, inspired by the ability of plants to make use of solar energy, he was the first scientist to investigate the photochemical reactions in a systematic way. In a famous address presented before the VIII International Congress of Applied Chemistry, held in New York in 1912, he indicated the need of replacing “fossil fuels” with the solar light. He forecasted the production of fuels by means of artificial photochemical reactions, which is still one of the most important goals of current research in the field of chemistry. The possibility of obtaining solar fuels (particularly H2) would indeed solve two great problems of the present day society: energy and environment. Indeed, sunlight brings a gigantic energy pack, and modern scientists are investing a huge amount of time, resources, and intellectual exercise into best exploiting it. Therefore, the fast-growing number of discoveries on photocatalysis comes as no surprise, and quite obviously they are accompanied by a ballistic number of publications.

In this remote lecture, I would like to introduce a personal view of the evolution of photocatalysis, based both on my research activity and my Editorial experience.

Fig. 1. What we need to define a photocatalyst.  Melchionna, M.; Fornasiero, P. "Updates on the roadmap for photocatalysis" ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 5493-5501.

I would like to introduce aspects such as purity and adequate characterization of photocatalysts, benchmarking, quantification of performances to allow also students to prepare solid manuscripts. Finally, I want to stimulate young scientists and students to have challenging dreams and establish further international cooperation useful for their carrier.  Thank you very much!


Paolo Fornasiero为的里亚斯特大学无机化学全职教授。主要研究兴趣集中于设计和发展多功能的金属氧化物纳米系统及其在与能源、环境相关的非均相催化应用。现为ACS Catalysis》副主编