
(10月19日)Design of Plasmonic Catalysts Using Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen and Carbon Cycling
日期:2021-10-14 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报告题目:Design of Plasmonic Catalysts Using Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen and Carbon Cycling



会议ID: 236 554 923

报 告 人:Prof. Hiromi Yamashita(教授、日本大阪大学)

报告主持人:Prof. Masakazu Ampo(教授、福州大学&大阪府立大学)


Designofplasmoniccatalystsincludingconventionalnoblemetalsandnon-conventionalsemiconductornanocrystalsareveryattractive.Plasmoniccatalystsarecapableof utilizationofabundantsolarenergybylocalizedsurfaceplasmonresonance(LSPR).LSPR canbedescribedasthecollectiveoscillationofvalenceelectronsforestablishinga resonancebetweenthephotonsandsurfaceelectronsofnanoparticles(NPs),drivenbythe electromagneticfieldofincidentlight.SuchLSPRhaspromisingapplicationsintheenergy conversionandstorage.Inthisstudy,wedemonstratedthattheplasmonicnanostructures, bimetallicPd/AgNPs,Pd/MoO3-xnanosheet,core-shellAu@PdNPsonMOF for hydrogen and carboncycling.


Figure1. Design of plasmonic catalysts.


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Hiromi Yamashita 教授自2004年起就职于大阪大学(Osaka University),曾获日本催化协会, 日本光化学协会, 日本石油协会, 日本金属与材料协会等奖项。