
(7月1日)Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials (PEN)
日期:2022-06-22 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

报告题目: Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials (PEN)

报告人:  张华 香港城市大学

 2022年713:00 - 5:00

 腾讯会议(ID:396 946 938




In this talk, I will summarize the recent research on phase engineering of nanomaterials (PEN) in my group, particularly focusing on the rational design and synthesis of novel nanomaterials with unconventional phases for various promising applications. For example, by using wet-chemical methods, for the first time, we have successfully prepared novel Au nanostructures (e.g., the hexagonal-close packed (hcp) 2H-Au nanosheets, 4H-Au nanoribbons, and crystal-phase heterostructured 4H/fcc and fcc/2H/fcc heterophase Au nanorods), epitaxially grown metal nanostructures on the aforementioned unconventional Au nanostructures and 2H-Pd nanoparticles, and amorphous/crystalline heterophase Pd, PdCu, Rh and Rh alloy nanosheets. In addition, by using gas-solid reactions, metastable 1T'-phase group VI transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), e.g., WS2, WSe2, MoS2, MoSe2, WS2xSe2(1-x) and MoS2xSe2(1-x), have been prepared. Moreover, the phase transformation of TMDs during our developed electrochemical Li-intercalation process has also been observed. Impressively, the lithiation-induced amorphization of Pd3P2S8 has been achieved. Currently, my group focuses on the investigation of phase-dependent physicochemical properties and applications in catalysis, (opto-)electronic devices, clean energy, chemical and biosensing, surface enhanced Raman scattering, waveguide, photothermal therapy, etc., which we believe is quite unique and very important not only in fundamental studies, but also in future practical applications. Importantly, the concepts of phase engineering of nanomaterials (PEN), crystal-phase heterostructures, and heterophase nanomaterials are proposed.



张华1992年和1995年在南京大学获得学士和硕士学位,1998年获得北京大学博士学位,师从刘忠范院士,2001进入美国西北大学Chad A. Mirkin课题组从事博士后研究。2005-2006年,在新加坡科技局担任高级研究科学家,随后进入新加坡南洋理工大学担任助理教授。8年后于2013年晋升为正教授,2019加盟香港城市大学任胡晓明讲座教授 2015年当选亚太材料德州扑克平台 院士2020年当选欧洲科德州扑克平台 外籍院士(香港城市大学第4位享此殊荣的科学家)此外,入选一系列国际著名科学榜单,包括“全球最有影响力科学思想科学家名录”和“高被引科学家名单”(2014-2021,汤森路透), “17位世界最具影响力科学家” (2014,汤森路透) 和“19位世界最具影响力科学家(2015,汤森路透)”等。

张华教授课题组的研究领域涵盖多个前沿交叉学科目前聚焦在纳米材料相工程PEN)、精细多级结构的可控外延生长等迄今为止张华教授已受邀为6本专著撰写章节申请了80多项专利发表了550余篇学术论文(350篇影响因子超过10文章被引超过10万 H因子168现任SmartMat共同主编和30余种杂志的编委会或顾问委员会成员