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Location | Job Title | 工作描述 Job Description | 职位要求 Working Experience |
TR Mandy | 检测工程师Microbiologist (需要2人) |
1.建立食品、化妆品、纺织品样品的生物测试方法。Set up of new microbiological testing methods for food, cosmetic and textile samples. 2.每日执行生物日常检测。Carry out daily microbiological testing routines. 3.能够解释介绍检测成果,并将之存档归档。Result interpretation & documentation. 4.保存详细的检测记录以及有根据的检测数据。Keep detail testing record and the testing data should be traceable. 5.对相关的检测仪器设备负责检查和保养。Responsable for checking/maintaining related equipment and facility. 6.完成上级交办的其他事项。Achieve other taskes assigned by Supervisor. |
1.学士以上,主修生物学、食品工程或相关学科。Bachelor degree or above, major in Microbiology, Food Technology or related; 2.有从事过抗菌检测方面工作可优先考虑。Experience with anti-microbial testing is a plus. 3.有进出口商品检验鉴定资格证书。Qualification of AQSIQ is a plus. 4.中级以上职称。Secondary level of specialized technical qualification. 5.有生物检测方面两年以上经验。Working experience of microbiology testing > 2 years; 6.对相关工作的方法,标准,程序法规等有较好的了解。Good understanding to related work instructions, standards, procedures and regulations; 7.积极主动,较强的团队合作精神。Self-motivation, strong teamwork spirit; 8.熟练的电脑使用技能。Proficiency of computer skill; 9.较流利的英文和普通话。Fluent in of English & Mandarin; |
TR Mandy | 高级工程师Senior Chemist (需要1人) |
1. 发展并有效建立食品、化妆品以及其它样品的检测方法。Develop and validate analytical methods for food, cosmetic and other samples. 2. 对相关的程序化和非程序化的流程有专业的了解并能够对实验提供指导和帮助。Good technical understanding of related disciplines, conduct routine/non-routine research and provide experiments with some support; 3.保存详细的检测记录以及有根据的检测数据。 Keep detail testing record and the testing data should be traceable. 4. 对相关的检测仪器设备负责检查和保养。Responsable for checking/maintaining related equipment and facility. 5. 完成上级交办的其他事项。Achieve other taskes assigned by Supervisor. 6. 有HPLC和GC使用经验的优先考虑。Experience with HPLC or GC method development preferred. |
1. 学士以上,主修生物学、食品工程或相关学科。Bachelor degree or above, major in Microbiology, Food Technology or related; 2. 有进出口商品检验鉴定资格证书。Qualification of AQSIQ is a plus. 3. 中级以上职称。Secondary level of specialized technical qualification. 4. 从事食品检测工作两年以上Working experience of food testing > 2 years; 5. 参与实验室管理工作,确保实验室正常有序运转Share the responsibilities in the lab to keep it in order and compliance.; 6. 较好的团队协作和沟通技能Good team work and communication skill; 7. 较好的忍受力,工作努力。Good tolerance to hard work.; 8. 流利的英语以及普通话。Fluent in of English & Mandarin; 9.有使用分析仪器方面的经验,主要是HPLC&GC方面的使用至少2年以上的经验。Experience with analytical instruments, focus on chromatography (HPLC, GC) with at least 2 years. |
TR Mandy | Senior Chemist (需要2人) |
1. 发展并有效建立食品、化妆品以及其它样品的检测方法。Develop and validate analytical methods for food, cosmetic and other samples. 2. 对相关的程序化和非程序化的流程有专业的了解并能够对实验提供指导和帮助。Good technical understanding of related disciplines, conduct routine/non-routine research and provide experiments with some support; 3.保存详细的检测记录以及有根据的检测数据。 Keep detail testing record and the testing data should be traceable. 4. 对相关的检测仪器设备负责检查和保养。Responsable for checking/maintaining related equipment and facility. 5. 完成上级交办的其他事项。Achieve other taskes assigned by Supervisor. 6. 对发展使用ICP方法有经验的优先考虑。Experience with ICP method development preferred. |
1. 学士以上,主修生物学、食品工程或相关学科。Bachelor degree or above, major in Microbiology, Food Technology or related; 2. 有进出口商品检验鉴定资格证书。Qualification of AQSIQ is a plus. 3. 中级以上职称。Secondary level of specialized technical qualification. 4. 从事食品检测工作两年以上Working experience of food testing > 2 years; 5. 参与实验室管理工作,确保实验室正常有序运转Share the responsibilities in the lab to keep it in order and compliance.; 6. 较好的团队协作和沟通技能Good team work and communication skill; 7. 较好的忍受力,工作努力。Good tolerance to hard work.; 8. 流利的英语以及普通话。Fluent in of English & Mandarin; 9.有使用分析仪器方面的经验,主要是ICP方面的使用至少2年以上的经验。 Experience with analytical instruments, focus on chromatography ICP with at least 2 years . |