姓 名: | 龙金林 | |
性 别: | 男 | |
职 称: | 研究员 | |
学 历: | 博士研究生 | |
职 务: | ||
电 话: | 0591-22865813 | |
专 业: | 物理化学 | |
电子邮件: | [email protected] | |
研究方向: | 光催化 |
Fuzhou University, College of Chemistry (德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 ),2019,7-present,Professor
Fuzhou University, College of Chemistry (德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 ),2012,12-2019.6,Associate Professor
Emory University, Department of Chemistry (美国埃默里大学化学系),2015,08-2016,08,Visiting Scholar
Nanyang Technological University,School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医药工程德州扑克平台 ),2011,12-2012,12,Research Fellow
Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学德州扑克平台 ),2009,7-2011,12,Assistant Professor
Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学德州扑克平台 ),2006–2009,Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
Fuzhou University,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (福州大学德州扑克平台 ),2002–2005,M.S. in Physical Chemistry,2005
Henan University of Technology,(河南工业大学粮油食品德州扑克平台 ),1997-2001,B.E. in Chemical Engineering of Oil, 2001
Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (Chemical Physics),Nature Publishing Group,(2017-PRESENT)
1.Exploring Molecular Nature of Interfacial Heterojunctions and
Heterophase Junctions of Semiconducting Oxide Nanocomposite granted from NSFC, (21373051, 2014-2017)
2.(C3N3S3)x-based polymer semiconductor visible-light photocatalyst for hydrogen generation from water and its photocatalytic mechanistic study granted from NSFC, (21003021, 2011-2013)
16.Haowei Huang?, Jinjin Lin?, Gangbei Zhu, Yuxiang Weng, Xuxu Wang, Xianzhi Fu, Jinlin Long*,A Long-Lived Mononuclear Cyclopentadienyl Ruthenium Complex Grafted onto Anatase TiO2 for Efficient CO2 Photoreduction,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2016,55(29),8314-8318.
15.Lizhou Fan, Jinlin Long*, Quan Gu, Haowei Huang, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang*, Single-site nickel-grafted anatase TiO2 for hydrogen production: Towards understanding the nature of visible-light photocatalysis, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 320,147-159.
14.Jie Xu, Liufeng Luo, Guanrui Xiao, Zizhong Zhang, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang, Jinlin Long*, Layered C3N3S3 Polymer/Graphene Hybrids as Metal-free Catalysts for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols under Visible Light, ACS Catalysis, 2014, 4(9), 3302-3306.
13.Jinlin Long,* Shuchao Wang, Hongjin Chang, Baozhou Zhao, Botong Liu, Yangen Zhou, Wei Wei, Xuxu Wang, Ling Huang,*, Wei Huang,*,Bi2MoO6 Nanobelts for Crystal Facet-Enhanced Photocatalysis,Small, 2014, 10(14),2791-2795.
12.Jinlin Long,* Hongjin Chang, Quan Gu, Jie Xu, Lizhou Fan, Shuchao Wang, Yangen Zhou, Wei Wei, Ling Huang,* Xuxu Wang, Ping Liu and Wei Huang*,Gold-plasmon enhanced solar-to-hydrogen conversion on the {001} facets of anatase TiO2 nanosheets,Energy & Environmental Science, 2014,7,973-977.
11. Quan Gu, Jinlin Long*, Yangen Zhou, Liming Chen, Lulu Zhao, and Xuxu Wang*, Single-site Sn grafted Ru/TiO2 photocatalysts for biomass reforming: Synergistic effect of dual cocatalysts and molecular mechanism, Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 303,141-155.
10.Jinlin Long*, Sibo Wang, Zhengxin Ding, Shuchao Wang, Yangen Zhou, Ling Huang*, Xuxu Wang, Amine-functionalized zirconium metal–organic framework as efficient visible-light photocatalyst for aerobic organic transformations, Chemical Communications, 2012, 48, 11656-11658.
9.Jinlin Long*, Xiuqiang Xie, Jie Xu, Quan Gu, Liming Chen, Xuxu Wang*, Nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheets as metal-free catalysts for aerobic selective oxidation of benzylic alcohols, ACS Catalysis, 2012, 2,622-631.
8.Quan Gu, Jinlin Long*,Yangen Zhou, Rusheng Yuan, Huaxiang Lin, Xuxu Wang*, Single-site tin grafted anatase TiO2 for photocatalytic hydrogen production: towards understanding the nature of interfacial molecular junctions formed in semiconducting composite photocatalysts. Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 289, 88-99.
7.Zizhong Zhang, Jinlin Long*, Lifang Yang, Wenkai Chen, Zhengxin Ding, Zhaohui Li, Xianzhi Fu, Xuxu Wang*,Organic semiconductor for artificial photosynthesis: Water splitting into hydrogen by a bioinspired C3N3S3 polymer under visible light irradiation, Chemical Science, 2011, 2, 1826-1830.
6.Jinlin Long, Quan Gu, Zizhong Zhang, Xuxu Wang*, Molecular design and XAFS characterization of active centers of solid-state catalysts, Progress in Chemistry (review), 2011, 23(12), 20-44.
5.Zizhong Zhang, Xuxu Wang, Jinlin Long*, Quan Gu, Zhengxin Ding, Xianzhi Fu*,Nitrogen–doped titanium dioxide visible–light photocatalyst: Spectroscopic identification of photoactive centers, Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 276,201-204.
4.Jinlin Long, Zizhong Zhang, Zhengxin Ding, Rusheng Ruan, zhaohui Li,Xuxu Wang*,Infrared study of the NO reduction by hydrocarbons over iron sites with low nuclearity: Some new insight into the reaction pathway, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010,114,15713-15727.
3.Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang*, Zhengxin Ding, Ling Wu, Zhaohui Li, and Xianzhi Fu*,Binuclear μ-hydroxo-bridged iron clusters derived from surface organometallic chemistry of ferrocene in cavities of HY zeolite: local structure, bound sites, and catalytic reactivity, Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 264,163-174.
2. Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang*, Zhengxin Ding, Jingguo Dong, Huaxiang Lin, and Xianzhi Fu*, Cyclopentadiene transformation over H-form zeolites: TPD and IR studies of formation of monomeric cyclopentenyl carbenium ion intermediate and Its role in acid-catalyzed conversions, Journal of Catalysis, 2008, 255,58-68.
1. Jinlin Long, Xuxu Wang, Guoying Zhang, Jingguo Dong, Tingjiang Yan, Zhaohui Li, and Xianzhi Fu*, A Mononuclear cyclopentadiene-iron complex grafted in the supercages of HY zeolite : synthesis, structure, and reactivity, Chemistry –A European Journal, 2007, 13,7890-7899.
4.Qishan Scholar, Fuzhou University, 2014.05-2016.5.
3.Academic Newcomer Award, Fuzhou University, Dec. 2011.
2.Excellent doctoral thesis, Fujian province, Dec. 2010.
1.Lu Jiaxi outstanding postgraduate Award, October 2008.
Browsing my group web:long.dzpkpt.com