
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:














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1981-1985 河南师范大学学士





在国内较早开展了温度调制电化学的研究工作。在界面电化学、温度调制电化学基础理论及其应用方面作了较深入的研究。在国际上首次实现了用于半导体三维封装技术的高深宽比通孔(TSV)电镀。目前该专利技术被用于最先进的封装工艺。获得并主持7项国家自然科学基金项目。获得国家授权发明专利10余项,发表SCI论文80余篇,包括Anal Chem, Biosens Bioelectron, Green Chem, Chem Commun,J Mater Chem等国际著名期刊。


福建省食品安全促进会专家组成员 ;
第19届世界表面精饰大会(19th Interfinish World Congress,2016.09 Beijing)电子表面处理分论坛主席  


1.边带差分吸收光谱分析方法及其应用,国家自然科学基金 2019.01-2022.12
2.超冷水溶液电化学基础及应用研究,国家自然科学基金 2015.01-2018.12
3.人工纳米马达的设计制作及其化学生物传感应用,国家自然科学基金 2013.01-2016.12
电致化学发光基本问题及其应用研究, 国家自然科学基金 2010.1-2012.12
5.温度调制电化学传感器的基本问题及其应用研究,国家自然科学基金 2008.1-2010. 12
6.半导体芯片金属化工艺过程中的相关电化学问题研究,国家自然科学基金 2005.1- 2007.12
国家自然科学基金  2001.1- 2003.12
8.温度调制电极及其应用研究,福建省新世纪优秀人才计划项目 2007.12-2010.12


Selected Publications

         50.Unveiling the size effect of Pt-on-Au nanostructures on CO and methanol electrooxidation by in situ electrochemical SERS .Nanoscale 2020.3,(pdf)

49.Temperature-Controllable Electrodes with a One-Parameter Calibration. ACS Sensors 2019, 4. (Link)

48.3D Nanoporous Gold-Supported Pt Nanoparticles as Highly Accelerating Catalytic Au-Pt Micromotors. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5, 1701689. (Link)

47.Spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of Cu-dicyandiamide complex. Science China Chemistry 2018, 1-8(Link)

46.Heating enhanced sensitive and selective electrochemical detection of Hg 2+ based on T-Hg 2+ -T structure and exonuclease III-assisted target recycling amplification strategy at heated gold disk electrode. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2018, 104 (Link)

45.Rapid and sensitive detection of malachite green in aquaculture water by electrochemical preconcentration and surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Talanta 2017, 180 (Link)

44.Molar Range Detection Based on Sideband Differential Absorption Spectroscopy with a Concentrated Reference. Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89 (Link)

43. A model for understanding the temperature change of an alternate hot and cold micro-band graphite electrode Sen Yang, Zong-Xiong Huang, Xiao-Heng Hou, Fang-Fang Cheng, Shao-Hua Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*Electrochemistry Communications 68 (2016) 71–75(Link)

42.Determination of ultra-trace catecholamines based on hot electron-induced cathodic electrochemiluminescence at a naturally oxidecovered tantalum electrode Xiao-Yan Chen, Rui-Juan Zheng,Ling-Qing Ren and Jian-Jun Sun* RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 16495-16499 (Link)

41.Determination of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) in wheat flour based on hot electron-inducedcathodic electrochemiluminescence Xiaoyan Chen, Lingqing Ren, Jifang Zhang, Jianjun Sun*
SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica,2016,46(3),280–286 (In Chinese) .(Link).

40. Alternate hot and cold electrodes Zong-Xiong Huang, Sen Yang, Fen-Zeng Yao, Kai-Xuan Xu, Ji-Fang Zhang, Shao-Hua Wu, Jian-Jun Sun* Electrochemistry Communications,2015, 61, 129–133 .(Link).

39.The role of hydrazine in mixed fuels (H2O2/N2H4)for Au–Fe/Ni nanomotor Qing Xiao, Ju Li, Jing Han,Kai-Xuan Xu, Zong-Xiong Huang, Juan Hu* and Jian-Jun Sun* RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 71139-71143 (Link)

38. Amplified electrochemical hydrogen peroxide reduction based on Hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme as electrocatalyst at gold particles modified heated copper disk electrode Shao-Hua Wu, You Tang, Liang Chen, Xian-Gui Ma, Song-Mao Tian, Jian-Jun Sun*  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 73, 41-46 .(Link).

37. Sub-ppt Level Detection of Mercury(II) Based on Anodic Stripping Voltammetry with Prestripping Step at an In Situ Formed Bismuth Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode Shao-Hua Wu, Zhao-Yan Zheng, Ji-Fang Zhang, Zi-Wang Song, Lei Fang and Jian-Jun Sun* Electroanalysis (2015,Article first published online: 13 APR 2015) (Link)

36.Density functional theory and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy studies of tautomeric hypoxanthine and its adsorption behaviors in electrochemical processes Wei Huang, Jin-Zhi Jiang, Liang Chen, Bi-Qi Zhang, Shu-Fen Deng, Jian Jun Sun*, Wen-Kai Chen* Electrochimica Acta,2015, 164, 132–138 (Link)

35. Supercooled electrodes Zong-Xiong Huang, Sen Yang, Jun-Wei Guo, Shao-Hua Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*, Guo-Nan Chen Electrochemistry Communications 48 (2014) 107–110 (Link)

34. Au–Fe/Ni alloy hybrid nanowire motors with dramatic speed Ju Li, Qing Xiao, Jin-Zhi Jiang, Guo-Nan Chena and Jian-Jun Sun*  RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 27522 (Link)

33.Rapid synthesis and characterization of ultra-thin shell Au@SiO2 nanorods with tunable SPR for shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS) Bi-Qi Zhang, Song-Bo Li, Qing Xiao, Ju Li and Jian-Jun Sun*  Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2013, 44(8), 1120–1125 (Link)

32.Study on the electrochemical catalytic properties of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 Shan Chen, Yi-Min Fang, Juan Li, Jian-Jun Sun*, Guo-Nan Chen, Huang-Hao Yan*   Biosensors   and Bioelectronics, 2013, 46, 171–174 (Link)

31. A heated pencil lead disk electrode with direct current and its preliminary application for highly sensitive detection of luteolin Shao-Hua Wu, Bao-Jian Zhu, Zong-Xiong Huang, Jian-Jun Sun*
Electrochem Commun 2013, 28, 47–50. (Link)

30. A New Heated Nickel Oxyhydroxide Covered Nickel Wire Electrode and Its Improved Electrocatalytic Oxidation for Methanol  Shao-Hua Wu, Bao-Jian Zhu, Zong-Xiong Huang andJian-Jun Sun*  Electroanalysis 2012, 24(5),1095–1099 (Link)

29.Hot electron-induced cathodic electrochemiluminescence at oil film-covered carbon paste electrode and application to nano-molar determination of catechol  Xiao-Yan Chen, Rui-Juan Zheng, Su-Fang Qin, Jian-Jun Sun*  Talanta 2012, 101:362-367 (Link)

28. Rapid visual detection of aluminium ion using citrate capped gold nanoparticles Shan Chen, Yi-Min Fang, Qing Xiao, Ju Li, Song-Bo Li, Hong-Ju Chen, Jian-Jun Sun* and Huang-Hao Yang*Analyst, 2012,137, 2021-2023 (Link)

27.Facile electrochemical preparation of Ag nanothorns and their growth mechanism Yi-Min Fang, Zhi-Bin Lin, Yong-Ming Zeng, Wen-Kai Chen, Guo-Nan Chen and Jian-Jun Sun*, Bin Ren*, Zhong-Qun Tian Chemistry - A European Journal  2010, 16(23),6766-6770 (Link)

26. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence from Au nanoclusters Yi-Min Fang, Jing Song, Juan Li, Yi-Wei Wang, Huang-Hao Yang, Jian-Jun Sun* and Guo-Nan Chen* Chem. Commun., 2011,47,2369–2371 (Link)

25. Electrochemistry and electrogenerated chemiluminescence of Bis[ 4-(dimethylamino)phenyl] squaraine Le Zhang, Yi-Min Fang, Ru-Yong Wang, Le-Xing You, Nan-Yan Fu, Guo- Nan Chen, Jian-Jun Sun* Chem. Commun., 2011,47,3855–3857 (Link)

24. Highly enhanced electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose and shikimic acid at a disposable electrically heated oxide covered copper electrode Hang Wei, Jian-Jun Sun*, Liang Guo, Xiao Li and Guo-Nan Chen* Chemical Communications 2009,(20),2842-2844 (Link)

23. Electrodeposition of Bright Gold – a Green Path Using Hypoxanthine as Complexing Agent
Jin-Shui Chen, Yi-Min Fang, Qing-Yi Qiu, Le-Xing You, Jing Song, Guo-Ming Zhang, Guo-Nan Chen, Jian-Jun Sun* Green Chem., 2011, 13, 2339-2343  (Link)

22. Gold nanoparticles for highly sensitive and selective copper ions sensing - old materials with new tricks Yi-Min Fang, Jing Song, Jin-Shui Chen, Song-Bo Li, Le Zhang, Guo-Nan Chen, Jian-Jun Sun*
J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 7898–7900 (Link)

21. Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Emissions from CdS Nanoparticles for Probing of Surface Oxidation Yi-Min Fang, Jing Song, Rui-Juan Zheng, Yong-Ming Zeng, and Jian-Jun Sun*
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115 (18),9117–9121 (Link)

20. Highly sensitive detection of silybin based on adsorptive stripping analysis at single-sided heated screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes with direct current heating  Shao-Hua Wu, Fa-Hui Nie, Qi-Zhen Chen, Jian-Jun Sun* Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 687(1),43-49 (Link)

19. A novel dissolved oxygen sensor based on hot electron induced cathodic  electrochemiluminescence at CdS modified disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes  
Rui-Juan Zheng, Yi-Min Fang, Su-Fang Qin, Jing Song, Ai-Hong Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*
Sensors and Actuators B, 2011,157,488– 493 (Link)

18. Mechanism of electro-catalytic oxidation of shikimic acid on Cu electrode based on in situ FTIRS and theoretical calculations Le-Xing You, Yi-Min Fang, Jun-Wei Guo, Le Zhang, Jin-Shui Chen, Guo-Nan Chen, Jian-Jun Sun* Electrochimica Acta, 2011,58,165–171 (Link)

17.An extremely stable and sensitive end-column electrochemical detector based on heated copper microdisk electrode with direct current for CE and CE-Chip Qi-Zhen Chen, Yi-Min Fang, Hang Wei, Zong-Xiong Huang, Guo-Nan Chen and Jian-Jun Sun* Analyst, 2010, 135(5),1124-1130 (Link)

16.A reagentless DNA biosensor based on cathodic electrochemiluminescence at a C/CxO1-x electrode  Ai-Hong Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*, Rui-Juan Zheng, Huang-Hao Yang and Guo-Nan Chen Talanta 2010,81(3),934-940 (Link)

15.Cathodic Electrochemiluminescence at C/CxO1-x Electrodes for the Fabrication of Label-Free Biosensors Ai-Hong Wu, Jian-Jun Sun* , Xiu-Li Su, You-Wen Lin , Zhi-Bin Lin, Huang-Hao Yang , Guo-Nan Chen  Analyst,2010,135,2309–2315 (Link)

14.Hot Electron Induced Cathodic Electrochemiluminescence at AuSb Alloy Electrode for Fabricating Immunosensor with Self-assembled Monolayers Ai-Hong Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*, Yi-Min Fang, Xiu-Li Su,Guo-Nan Chen Talanta,2010,82,1455–1461  (Link)

13. Electrochemical and in Situ SERS Studies on the Adsorption of 2-Hydroxypyridine and Polyethyleneimine during Silver Electroplating Zhi-Bin Lin, Jing-Hua Tian, Bu-Gao Xie, Yong-An Tang, Jian-Jun Sun*, Guo-Nan Chen, Bin Ren*, Bing-Wei Mao and Zhong-Qun Tian . J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (21),9224–9229 (Link)

12.Catalytic electrogenerated chemiluminescence and nitrate reduction at CdS nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode Yi-Min Fang, Jian-Jun Sun*, Ai-Hong Wu, Xiu-Li Su, Guonan Chen,  
Langmuir 2009,25(1),555-560(Link)

11.Potential-Dependent Adsorption of Uracil on a Silver Electrode in Alkaline Solutions
Zhi-Bin Lin, Bu-Gao Xie, Jing-Hua Tian, Yong-An Tang, Jian-Jun Sun* , Guo-Nan Chen, Bin Ren*, Bing-Wei Mao and Zhong-Qun Tian J. Electroanal. Chem. 2009, 636 (1-2),74-79 (Link)

10.A Simple Approach to the Solution of Diffusion Equation at Microcylinder Electrode - an Inspiration from the Film Projector Yi-Min Fang, Jian-Jun Sun*, Guo-Nan Chen ChemPhysChem 2009, 10(14),2393 - 2396 (Link)

9.Nucleation mechanism of silver during electrodeposition on a glassy carbon electrode from a cyanide-free bath with 2-hydroxypyridine as a complexing agent Corresponding  Zhi-Bin Lin, Bu-Gao Xie; Jin-Shui Chen, Jian-Jun Sun*, Guo-Nan Chen J. Electroanal. Chem.  2009, 633(1), 207-211 (Link) 

8. Electrodeposition of Mirror-bright Silver in Cyanide-free Bath Containing Uracil as Complexing Agent without a Separate Strike Plating Process Bu-Gao Xie, Jian-Jun Sun*, Zhi-bin Lin, Guo-Nan Chen
J. Electrochem. Soc.  2009, 156(3),D79-D83 (Link)

7.Rapid hydrolysis and electrochemical detection of trace carbofuran at a disposable heated screen-printed carbon electrode  Hang Wei, Jian-Jun Sun,* Yan-Min Wang, Xiao Li and Guo-Nan Chen
Analyst, 2008, 133(11), 1619–1624 (Hot Article) (Link)

6.Nanomolar detection of rutin based on adsorptive stripping analysis at single-sided heated graphite cylindrical electrodes with direct current heating Shao-Hua Wu, Jian-Jun Sun*, De-Feng Zhang, Zhi-Bin Lin, Fa-Hui Nie, He-Yuan Qiu, Guo-Nan Chen  Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53(22),6596-6601(Link)

5.Electrogenerated chemiluminescence at bare glassy carbon electrode in basic media Ai-Hong Wu, Xiu-Li Su, Yi-Min Fang, Jian-Jun Sun *, Guo-Nan Chen ElectrochemistryCommunications, 2008, 10(9),1344-1346 (Link)

4.Enhanced electrochemical performance at screen-printed carbon electrodes by a new pretreating procedure Hang Wei, Jian-Jun Sun*, Yu Xie, Cong-Gui Lin, Yan-Min Wang, Wen-Hui Yin and Guo-Nan Chen. Anal Chim Acta. 2007,588(2),297-303. (Link)

3.Heated graphite cylinder electrodes  Jian-Jun Sun*, Liang Guo, De-Feng Zhang, Wen-Hui Yin and Guo-Nan Chen Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9(2),283-288 (Link)

2.Adsorptive Stripping Analysis of Riboflavin at Electrically Heated Graphite Cylindrical Electrodes  Shao-Hua Wu, Jian-Jun Sun *, Zhi-Bin Lin, Ai-Hong Wu, Yong-Ming Zeng, Liang Guo, De-Feng Zhang, Hui-Ming Dai, Guo-Nan Chen Electroanalysis, 2007,19 (21),2251 – 2257 (Link)

1.In Situ Monitoring of Additives in Copper Plating Baths by Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping with a Microelectrode Bu-Gao Xie, Jian-Jun Sun,* Xiao-Bo Chen, Jin-Huai Chen,Tong-Ling Xiang, and Guo-Nan Chen J. Electrochem. Soc., 2007,154(10),D516-D519 (Link)

  福建省科学技术一等奖 (No.4)



