
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:


姓 名: 郑寿添
性 别:
职 称: 教授
学 历: 研究生
职 务: 德州扑克平台 院长
电 话: 0591-22866124
专 业: 无机化学
电子邮件: [email protected]




1997.09-2001.07 厦门大学化学系学习,获理学学士学位

2001.07-2009.08 中科院福建物构所工作(最后职称:助理研究员)、学习(导师:杨国昱研究员) 

2002.09-2005.07 中科院福建物构所学习,获理学硕士学位 

2006.09-2009.01 中科院福建物构所学习,获理学博士学位 

2009.09-2013.05 美国加州州立大学长滩分校生化系博士后(导师:Prof.Xianhui Bu

2013.06-2021.05 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 教授 博士生导师 金属氧簇化学研究所所长

2017.11-2021.05 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 副院长

2021.06-至今 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 院长




主要从事多金属氧簇合成化学研究,特别是在同多铌氧簇、杂多铌氧簇、无机-有机杂化多铌氧簇和铌蓝簇等多个多铌氧簇类别的合成、结构、电子转移机制及性质研究中取得较为系统性研究成果,形成富有特色性研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金、福建省重大教改项目、中国科协智惠行动-百会百县乡村行项目等。在国际主流化学类期刊上发表SCI收录的论文300余篇,其中在Angew.Chem.Int.Ed、J.Am.Chem.Soc、Nat.CommunCCS Chem上发表第一作者或通讯作者研究论文30余篇,被引1.3万余次,H指数65。多年连续入选斯坦福全球化学学科前2%顶尖科学家名单及“终身科学影响力榜单”。参与撰写中国科学出版社出版的三部专著《Structural Inorganic Chemistry》、《21世纪的无机化学》和《氧基簇合物化学》。获中国发明授权专利5件。曾获2010年度“中科院优秀博士学位论文”、2011年度“全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖”、第23届福建省运盛青年科技奖、2018年度福建省五四青年奖章标兵、卢嘉锡优秀导师奖、福州大学教学成果特等奖、福建省自然科学一等奖(排名3)及国家自然科学二等奖(排名2)。入选首批高校黄大年式教师团队、福建省百人计划、国家级高层次青年人才及国家级领军人才计划。任福建省化学会副会长、中国化学会晶体化学会专业委员会委员、福建省先进无机氧合材料重点实验室主任、《Chinese Chemical Letters》、《Polyoxometalate》、《福州大学学报》和《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》编委。  



123. H.P. Xiao, M.Y. Du, X.B. Sun, R.F. Xu, D.M. Li, S.N. Yue, P.W. Cai, R.Z. Sun, Z.Z. Zhang, X. Huang, X.X. Li,* Y. Gao,* S.T. Zheng,* A Highly Biocompatible Polyoxotungstate with Fenton-like Reaction Activity for Potent Chemodynamic Therapy of Tumors,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2024, 63, e202422949.

122. Y. Chen, Z.X. Zhang, P.W. Cai,* Z.W. Guo, Z.W. Lu, C. Sun, X.X. Li, J.X. Chen,* Z.H. Wen, S.T. Zheng,* Polyoxotungstate Featuring Zinc-Ion-Triggered Structural Transformation as An Efficient Electrolyte Additive for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2024, 63, e202420284.

121. Y. Chen, H.P. Wu, Z.W. Guo, X.X. Li, P.W. Cai,* S.T. Zheng,* Construction of a diverting polyoxotungstate based on 3d-4p heterometallic cluster for high-performance single-crystal proton conduction, Chin. Chem. Lett, 2024, accepted.

120. Y.X. Liu, P.X. Wu, J.Y. Dai, P.W. Cai, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Site Differentiation Strategy for Selective Strontium Uptake and Elution within an All-Inorganic Polyoxoniobate Framework, Nat. Commun, 2024. 15:8896.

119. Y. Chen, Z.K. Zhu, C. Sun, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Indium-assisted Construction of {SiNb18O54}-based Aggregates and Their Assembly into Extended Polyoxoniobate Architectures, Inorg. Chem. 2024, accepted.

118. H.B. Chen, M.Y. He, T. Li, C.C. Deng, H.P. Xiao, M.Q. Qi, X.J. Kong, H.H. Li,* X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Enhanced Resistive Switching Performance with Long-term Endurance by Covalent Graft of Cuprous Iodide on Anderson-Polyoxometalate Templated by Viologen, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, accepted.

117. R. Ge, P.W. Cai, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li.* S.T. Zheng,* Development of Non-Closed Silver Clusters by Transition-Metal-Coordination-Cluster-Substituted Polyoxometalate Templates, Chem. Sci, 2024, accepted.

116. J.A. Fan, H. Yu, Y.D. Lin, M.Q. Qi, X.J. Kong, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* An organophosphate 3d-4f heterometallic polyoxoniobate nanowire, nanoscale, 2024, accepted.

115. X.Q. Ma, Y.F. Liu, G. Yang, X.J. Kong, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* An unusual crystalline porous framework constructed from multi-types of cages with proton conduction property and heterogeneous catalytic activity for pyrazole synthesis, Inorg. Chem., 2024, accepted.

114. R.Z. Sun, J.X. Chen, S.L. Huang, W.T. Weng, H.P. Wu, P.W. Cai,* Z.H. Wen,* S.T. Zheng,* Dissecting Structural Modification Effects on the Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity of Atomically Precise Polyoxometalates, CCS Chem, 2024, accepted.

113. P.X. Wu, Y. Han, Y.J. Lin, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* A 3D heteropolyoxoniobate framework based on heart-shaped {Te2Nb19O60} clusters with proton conduction property, Dalton. Trans, 2024, accepted.

112. L.H. Hong, S.N. Yue, X. Huang, C. Sun, P.W. Cai, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Development of Stable Water-Soluble Supratomic Silver Clusters Utilizing A Polyoxoniobate-Protected Strategy: Giant Core-Shell-Type Ag8@Nb162 Fluorescent Nanoclustere,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2024, 63, e202404314.

111. Y.K. Zuo, Y.R. Li, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Efficient catalysis of Knoevenagel condensation by 1D copper-containing heterpolyoxoniobate at room temperature, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, accepted.

110. X.Q. Ma, H.P. Xiao, Y. Chen, Q.S. Lai, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Polyoxometalate-Based Macrocycles and Their Assembly, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2024, accepted.

109. Y.C. Cong, H.P. Xiao, P.W. Cai, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, M.Q. Qi, X.X. Li,*  S.T. Zheng,* An Organodiphosphate-containing Polyoxoniobate Ring and Its Assembly into a Three-Dimensional Framework Through Hydrogen Bonding, Inorg. Chem. 2024, accepted.

108. X.Y. Zhang, J.A. Fan, Z.H. Chen, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* The Formation Reason of Intermolecular Charge Transfer bands: A series of Polyoxomolybdates as a Case Study, Dalton. Trans, 2024, accepted.

107. D.Q. Qian, Y.D. Lin, H.P. Xiao, B. Wu, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Advances in coinage-metal-substituted polyoxometalates: A review, Polyoxometalates, 2024, 3, 9140040

106. Y.J. Wang, L. Yu, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Two unprecedented germanoniobate frameworks based on high-nuclear peanut-shaped {Ge12Nb38} and {Ge14Nb38} clusters, Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 1388-1394.

105. Z.W. Guo, Y. Chen, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng*, Precisely manipulation of core composition of core-shell-type cobalt polyoxoniobates and proton conduction study, Chin. Chem. Lett, 2024, 35, 109124.

104. T.Y. Dou, Z.H. Chen, Y. Guan, Q.X. Zeng,* X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* A novel guanidine-containing polyoxotantalate with reversible thermochromism property, J. Solid. State. Chem, 2024, 330, 124498.


103. D.H. Li, X.Y. Zhang, J.Q. Lv, P.W. Cai, Y.Q. Sun, C. Sun*, S.T. Zheng*, Photo-Activating Biomimetic Polyoxomolybdate for Boosting Oxygen Evolution in Neutral Electrolytes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2023, 62, e202312706.

102. D.H. Li, N. Shi, Y.J. Wang, P.W. Cai, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* An organic–inorganic hybrid polyoxoniobate decorated by a Co(iii)-amine complex for electrocatalytic urea splitting, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 4789-4796.

101. K.X. Lian, H.B. Chen, Y.D. Lin, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Polyoxometalate-based all-inorganic open frameworks, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2023, 497(15), 215440.

100. H. Yang, G. Yue, T. Li, L. Du, H. Li,* Z. Chen, S.T. Zheng,* The Old Polyoxometalates in New Application as Molecular Resistive Switching Memristors, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2023, 26, e202300264.

99. Z.Y. Liu, J.P. Ye, Y.L. Li, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Cadmium-containing windmill-like heteropolyoxoniobate macrocycle with high yield for catalyzing Knoevenagel condensation, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 1193-1197.

98. Y. Guan, H.B. Chen, R. Ge, Q.X. Zeng, P.W. Cai, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng,* Development of a New Heteropolyoxotantalate Cluster for Multidimensional Polyoxotantalate Mterials, Inorg. Chem, 2023, 62, 10044-10048.

97. Y.J. Wang, N. Shi, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun* S.T. Zheng*, Reversible Thermochromism and Stable Resistance Switching Behaviors Based on a Co(III)-Complex-Linked Polyoxoniobate,  Inorg. Chem, 2023, 62, 10675−10683.

96. Z.W. Guo, L.H. Lin, J.P. Ye, Y. Chen, X.X. Li, S. Lin,* J.D. Huang,* S.T. Zheng,* Core-Shell-Type All-Inorganic Heterometallic Nanoclusters: Record High-Nuclearity Cobalt Polyoxoniobates for Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2023, 62, e202305260.

95. H. Yu, Y.D. Lin, S.L. Huang, X.X. Li, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Photochromic Polyoxoniobates with Photoinduced "D-f-A" Electron Transfer Mechanism, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2023, 62, e202302111.

94. Y. Yu, R.D. Lai, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, Q.X. Zeng, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Oxalate-assisted assembly of two polyoxotantalate supramolecular frameworks with proton conduction property, Chem. Commun, 2023, 59, 3735.

93. X.H. Zheng, B. Li, L.J. Shen, Y.N. Cao,* Y.Y. Zhan,* S.T. Zheng,* S.P. Wang, L.L. Jiang, Oxygen vacancies engineering of Fe doped LaCoO3 perovskite catalysts for efficient H2S selective oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 329, 122526.

92. Y.L. Wang, Y.L. Wu, Q.X. Zeng,* X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng, Two new inorganic-organic hybrid polyoxotantalates with proton conduction property, J. Solid. State. Chem, 2023, 322, 123943.

91. Q.S Lai, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng,* All-inorganic POM cages and their assembly: a review, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2023, 482, 215077.

90. B.W. X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* J.P. Xie,* The first polyoxoniobate-templated silver cluster with temperature-dependent luminescent emission, Chem. Commun, 2023, 59, 2927-2930.

89. Y. Guan, H.P. Xiao, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Recent advances on syntheses, structures and properties of polyoxotantalates, Polyoxometalate, 2023, 2, 9140023.

88. P.X. Wu, Z.W. Guo, R.D. Lai, X.X. Li, C. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* Giant Polyoxoniobate-Based Inorganic Molecular Tweezers: Metal Recognitions, Ion-Exchange Interactions and Mechanism Studies, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2023, 62, e202217926.

87. Z.K. Zhu, Y.Y. Lin, R.D. Lai, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* A series of high-nuclear planar equilateral triangle-shaped {Ln6(µ3-OH)6} cluster encapsulated polyoxoniobates with frequency dependent magnetic property, Chin. Chem. Lett, 2023, 34, 107773.



         86. R.D. Lai, Z.K. Zhu, Y.L. Wu, Y.Q. Sun, S. Cai, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Proton conductive polyoxometalate architectures constructed from lanthanide-incorporated polyoxoniobate cages, Inorg. Chem, 2022, 61, 21047−21054. 

        85. R.D. Lai, H.L. Feng, Y.Q. Sun,* X.X. Li, S.T. Zheng,* A lanthanide–tellurium heterometal encapsulated sandwich-type heteropolyoxoniobate with a 3D pcu-type hydrogen-bonded network, Dalton Trans, 2022, 51, 10571-10577.

          84. J.X. Jing, N. Shi, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li, S.T. Zheng,* An inorganic-organic hybrid polyoxotungstogermanate based on [Ln( α-GeW11O39)2] dimer and dimethylammonium: Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence property, J. Mol. Struct, 2022, 1250, 131686.

         83. R.D. Lai, J. Zhang, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* G.Y. Yang,* Assemblies of Increasingly Large Ln-Containing Polyoxoniobates and Intermolecular Aggregation-Disaggregation Interconversions, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2022, 144, 19603-19610.

         82. H.P. Xiao, Y.S. Hao, X.X. Li,* P. Xu,* M.D. Huang, S.T. Zheng,* A Water-Soluble Antimony-Rich Polyoxometalate with Broad-Spectrum Antitumor Activities, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2022, 61, e202210019.        

         81. 陈慧娜,李新雄*,郑寿添*, 铌多酸三维框架材料的研究进展与展望, 高等学校化学学报, 2022, 43, 20210625.

         80. B.Q. Hong, Y.j. Qi, R.D. Lai, R. Ge, S.T. Zheng, X.X. Li*, Two luminescent metal-organic frameworks with temperature-dependent emission, J. Solid State Chem, 2022, 309, 122967.

         79. H. Yu, Y.D. Lin, Z.Y. Liu, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* A 3D Indium-containing Polyoxoniobate Framework Based on {In5Nb71}n Helical Pillars, Inorg. Chem, 2022, 61, 8112-8116.

        78. S. Peng, Y. Li, R. Ge, W.X. Chen, T.Y. Wang, X.X Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Designed assembly of heterometallic zeolite-like framework materials from two different superteteahedral metal clusters, Chem. Commun, 2022, 6789-6792.

        77. Y. Li, Y.D. Yang, R. Ge, Z.H Lv, C.B Tian, B.W. Wei, X.X. Li,* N.F. Zhuang,* S.T. Zheng,* A stable 3d-4f heterometallic cluster with magneto-optical activity, Inorg. Chem, 2022, 8746-8751.

        76. M.Y. Yao, Y.F. Liu, X.X. Li,* G.P. Yang,* S.T. Zheng,* The largest Se-4f cluster incorporated polyoxometalate with high Lewis acid-base catalytic activity, Chem. Commun, 2022, 5737-5740.

        75.  Y. L. Wu, Y. J. Wang, Y. Q. Sun,* X. X. Li, S. T. Zheng*, Two high-nuclearity isopolyoxoniobates containing {Nb54O151}-based helical nanotubes for the decomposition of chemical warfare agent simulants, Chem. Commun, 2022, 58, 3322-3325.

        74.  Z.K. Zhu, J. Zhang, Y.C. Cong, R. Ge, Z. Li, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Two Giant Calixarene-Like Polyoxoniobate Nanocups {Cu12Nb120} and {Cd16Nb128} Built From Mixed Macrocyclic Cluster Motifs, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2022, 61, e202113381. 

        73. Z. Li, Z.H. Lv, H. Yu, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng*, Giant Ln30-Cluster Embedded Polyoxotungstate Nanoclusters with Exceptional Proton-Conducting and Luminescent Properties,  CCS Chem, 2022, 4, 2938-2945.

        72. Z.Y. Liu, Y.D. Lin, H. Yu, H.N. Chen, Z.W. Guo, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* Recent advances in polyoxoniobate-catalyzed reactions, Tungsten, 2022, 4, 81-98.

        71. Y. Chen, Z.W Guo, X.X Li, S.T. Zheng,* G.Y. Yang,* Multicomponent Cooperative Assembly of Nanoscale Boron-Rich Polyoxotungstates with 22 and 30 Boron Atoms, CCS Chem, 2022, 4, 1305-1314.


70. S. Peng, Y.J. Qi, X.H. Li, C. Sun, L.Y. Li, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng, Q. Zhang *, Two isomeric zeolite-like metal–organic frameworks with mechanically responsive luminescence emission and gas adsorption properties, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 5753–5757.

69. N. Shi, Y.J. Wang, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* An inorganic Co-containing heteropolyoxoniobate: reversible chemochromism and H2O-dependent proton conductivity properties, Inorg. Chem. Front, 2021, 8, 5225–5233.

68. Z.H. Zhong, J.X. Jing, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng, Two new 3D tubular polyoxoniobates frameworks based on {SiNb18O54} clusters with proton conduction properties, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2021, 2021,132,108813.

67. Y. D. Lin, R. Ge, C.B. Tian, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, Q.X. Zeng,* X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng, 3d–4f Heterometallic cluster incorporated polyoxoniobates with magnetic properties, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 8624.

66. R. Ge, J. H. Liu, X.H. Li, L. Li, Y.G. Sun, Z. Li, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Luminescent cluster-organic frameworks constructed from predesigned supertetrahedral {Ln4Zn6} secondary building units, Chem. Commun, 2021, 6927.

65. Y.R. Huang, X.L. Lin, B. Chen, H.D. Zheng, Z.R. Chen, H.H. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Thermal-Responsive Polyoxometalate-Metalloviologen Hybrid: Reversible Intermolecular Three-Component Reaction andTemperature-Regulated Resistive Switching Behaviors,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2021, 60, 16911.

64. Y.L. Wu, Z.H. Zhong, P.X. Wu, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun*, S.T. Zheng*, A Peanut-like Sb-embedded Polyoxoniobate Cage with Hydrolytic Decomposition for Chemical Warfare Agent, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2021, 1051.

63. P.X. Wu, R.D. Lai, R. Ge, C. Sun, G.Q. Wang, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, A Tellurium-Substituted Heteropolyniobate with Unique π-π Stacking and Ionic Conduction Property, Inorg. Chem, 2021, 2021, 60, 6162–6166.

62. Y.D. Lin, Z.K Zhu, R. Ge, H. Yu, Z. Li, C. Sun, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Pronton conductive polyoxoniobate frameworks constructed from nanoscale {Nb68O200} cages, Chem. Commun, 2021, 2021, 57, 4702-4705.

61. R.T. Zhang, H.P. Xiao, Z. Li, M. Wang, Y.F. Xie, Y.D. Ye, X.X Li,* S.T. Zheng*, Two highly stable inorganic-organic hybrid 3-D frameworks based on Cu–Ln incorporated polyoxometalates for selective dye removal and proton conduction, CrystEngComm, 2021, 23, 2973.

60. G. Rui, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Advances in polyoxometalate-templated high-nuclear silver clusters, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 435, 213787.

59. Y. Chen, Z.W. Guo, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng*, Two novel nickel cluster substituted polyoxometalates: syntheses, structures and their photocatalytic activities, magnetic behaviors, and ion-conduction properties, Inorg. Chem. Front, 2021, 8, 1303.

58. X.X. Li, S.T. Zheng,* Three-dimensional metal-halide open frameworks, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2021, 430, 213663.

57. Z.K. Zhu, Y.Y. Lin, X.X. Li, D. Zhao*, S.T. Zheng*, Integration of Metallacycles and Polyoxometalate Macrocycles,  Inorg. Chem. Front, 2021, 8, 1297.


56. Y.L. Wu, Y.Q. Sun*, X.X. Li, S.T. Zheng*, A new dimeric isopolyoxoniobate {β-H4Nb52O150} decorated with copper (II)-ethylenediamine for hydrolytic decomposition of chemical warfare agent simulant DMMP, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2020, 113, 107815.

55. Y.L. Wu, R.T. Zhang, Y.Q. Sun,* X.X. Li, S.T. Zheng,* A series of cube-shaped polyoxoniobates encapsulating octahedral Cu12XmOn clusters with hydrolytic decomposition for chemical warfare agents, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2020, 586009.

54. S.Y. Wu, Y.J. Wang, J.X. Jing, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun*, S.T. Zheng* Two organic–inorganic hybrid polyoxotungstoger manates containing organic ligand chelated Fe–Dy heterometallic clusters and frequency dependent magnetic properties, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2020, 7, 498-504.

53. Y. Dong, Q. Han, K. Ma, F. Song, S.T. Zheng, Y. Ding,* Study two kind different catalytic behaviors for K4H1.2[Co0.6(H2O)0.6SiW11.4O39.4]-cocatalyzed visible light driven water oxidation in pH 1–7 media, Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 392, 29-38.

52. J.H. Liu, J. Zhang, D. Zhao, L.D. Lin, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li.* S.T. Zheng,* Incorporation of Heterovalent Copper-Oxo and Copper-Halide Clusters for Fabrication of Three Porous Cluster Organic Frameworks: Syntheses, Structures and Iodine Adsorption/Release Study, Crystengcomm. 2020, 22, 821-828.

51. J. Zhang, R.D. Lai, Y.L. Wu, Z.K. Zhu, Y.Q. Sun, Z.Q. Xing*, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng, High-dimensional Polyoxoniobates Constructed From Lanthanide-incorporated High-nuclear {[Ln(H2O)4]3[Nb24O69(H2O)3]2} Secondary Building Units, Chem. Asian J. 2020, 15, 1574.

50. J.H. Liu, L.D. Lin, G.Q. Wang, L.Y. Li, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng,* All-inorganic open frameworks based on gigantic four-shell Ln@W8@Ln8@(SiW12)6 clusters, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 10305-10308.

49. Y.Y. Lin, J. Zhang, Z.K. Zhu, Y.L. Wu, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li*, S.T. Zheng, An ultrastable {SiNb18O54}-based hybrid polyoxoniobate framework for selective removal of crystal violet from aqueous solution and proton-conduction,  Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2020, 113, 107766.

48. Z.K. Zhu, L.D. Lin, J. Zhang, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* A rare 4-connected a neb-typed 3D chiral polyoxometalate framework based on {KNb24O72} cluster, Inorg. Chem. Front, 2020, 7, 3919.

47. Z.K. Zhu, Y.Y. Lin, L.D. Lin, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun,* S.T. Zheng,* A Rare 3D Porous Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Polyoxometalate Framework Based on Cubic Polyoxoniobate-Cupric-Complex Cage with High Water Vapor Adsorption Capacity, Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59(17), 11925-11929.


46. J. Zhang, H. Yu, Y.N. Gu, Z. Li, X.Xiong Li,* L.Y. Li, S.T. Zheng, Novel 4s–4f heterometallic cluster substituted polyoxometalates based on mixed dilacunary Keggin/open Wells-Dawson units: Syntheses, crystal structure and luminescent study, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2019, 110, 107599.

45. L.D. Lin, R. Ge, J. Zhang, Z. Li, H. Yu, J.H. Liu, X.X. Li, Y.Q. Sun, D. Zhao,* S.T. Zheng, Construction of Two High-Nuclear 3d-4d Heterometallic Cluster Organic Frameworks by Introducing a Bifunctional Tripodal Alcohol as a Structure-Directing Agent, Chem. Asian J., 2019, 14, 1985–19912.

44. L.D. Lin, Z. Li, J.H. Liu, Y.Q. Sun, X.X. Li,* S.T. Zheng, A new type of composite MOFs based on high-valent Sb(V)-based units and cuprous-halide clusters, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 15113-15116.

43. J. H. Liu, R. T. Zhang, J. Zhang, D. Zhao, X. X. Li, Y. Q. Sun,* S. T. Zheng,* A Series of 3D Porous Lanthanide-Substituted Polyoxometalate Frameworks Based on Rare Hexadecahedral {Ln6W8O28} Heterometallic Cage-Shaped Clusters, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 14734-14740.

42. Z. K. Zhu, Y. Y. Lin, H. Yu, X. X. Li, S. T. Zheng,* Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Polyoxoniobates: Polyoxoniobate-Metal-Complex Cage and Cage Framework, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2019, 58, 16864-16868.

41. Q. Han, Z. Li, X. Liang, Y. Ding,* S. T. Zheng,* Synthesis of a 6 nm Long Transition Metal−Rare Earth Containing Polyoxometalate, Inorg. Chem, 2019, 58, 12534-12537.

40. Z. Li, J. Zhang, L. D. Lin, J. H. Liu, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng*, Inorganic-Organic Hybrid High-dimensional Polyoxotantalates and Their Structural Transformations Triggered by Water, Chem. Commun., 2019, accepted.

39. L. D. Lin, Z. Li, D. Zhao, J. H. Liu, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng*, Development of a new Lindqvist-like Fe6 cluster secondary building unit for MOFs, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 10729-10732.

38. J. H. Liu, L. D. Lin, X. X. Li, D. Zhao, Y. Q. Sun*, S. T. Zheng*, A nested Cu24@Cu72-based copper–organic polyhedral framework for selective adsorption of cationic dyes, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 7394-7397.

37. Y. N. Gu, D. Zhao, H. Yu, R. Ge, Z. Li, C. B. Tian, X. X. Li*, Y. Q. Sun, S. T. Zheng*, Incorporating polyoxometalates and organic ligands to pursue 3d–4f heterometallic clusters: a series of {Cr4Ln4} clusters stabilized by phthalicacid and [SiW12O40]4-, RSC Adv, 2019, 9, 13543-13549

36. X. J. Zhou, D. Zhao, Y. Q. Sun, X. X. Li, S. T. Zheng*, Synthesis of noble-metal-free ternary K7HNb6O19/Cd0.5Zn0.5S/g-C3N4 tandem heterojunctions for efficient photocatalytic performance under visible light, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 33, e5178.

35. X. X. Li, D. Zhao, S. T. Zheng*, Recent advances in POM-organic frameworks and POM-organic polyhedra, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 397,220-240.

34. Z. W. Guo, Y. Chen, D. Zhao, Y. L. Wu, L. D. Lin, S. T. Zheng*, A New-Type Chromium-Substituted Polyoxoniobate with High Ionic Conductivity, Inorg. Chem, 2019, 58, 4055-4058.

33. Y. J. Wang, S. Y. Wu, Y. Q. Sun,* X. X. Li, S. T. Zheng*, Octahedron-shaped three-shell Ln14-substituted polyoxotungstogermanates encapsulating a W4O15 cluster: luminescence and frequency dependent magnetic properties, Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 2857-2860.

32. X. J. Zhou, H. Yu, D. Zhao, X. Wang*, S. T. Zheng*, Combination of polyoxotantalate and metal sulfide: A new-type noble-metal-free binary photocatalyst Na8Ta6O19/Cd0.7Zn0.3S for highly efficient visible-light-driven H2 evolution, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 248(5), 423-429.

31. L. D. Lin, D. Zhao, X. X. Li,* S. T. Zheng*, Recent Advances in Zeolite-like Cluster Organic Frameworks, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 442-453.

30. Q. Shi, S. Y. Wu, X. T. Qiu, Y. Q. Sun*, S. T. Zheng*,  Three viologen-derived Zn-organic materials: photochromism, photomodulated fluorescence, and inkless and erasable prints, Dalton. Trans, 2019, 48, 954-963. 

29. H. Yu, Z. Li, H. H. Li*, S. T. Zheng*, Two lanthanide Substituted Polyoxometalates Featuring Novel Crescent-Shaped Ln5 Clusters: Structures, Ion Conductivities and Magnetic Properties, Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19, 1329-1335.

28. J.H. Liu, Y.J. Qi, D. Zhao, H.H. Li*, S.T. Zheng*,Heterometallic Organic Frameworks Build from Trinuclear Indium and Cuprous-Halide Clusters: Ligand-oriented Assemblies and Iodine Adsorption Behavior, Inorg. Chem, 2019, 516−523.

27. Z. Li, L. D. Lin, D. Zhao, Y. Q. Sun*, S. T. Zheng*, A Series of Unprecedented Linear Mixed‐Metal‐Substituted Polyoxometalate Trimers: Syntheses, Structures, Luminescence, and Proton Conductivity Properties, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2019, 437-441.


26. Y. J. Qi, X. X. Li, D. Zhao*, Y. Q. Sun*, S. T. Zheng, Two d10 Metal-Organic Frameworks as Low-Temperature Luminescent Molecular Thermometers, Crystal Growth & Design, 2018, 12,7383–7390.

25. Z. Li, L. D. Lin, H. Yu, X. X. Li, S. T. Zheng*, All-Inorganic Ionic Porous Material Based on Giant Spherical Polyoxometalates Containing Core-Shell K6@K36-Water Cage, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2018, 57, 15777-15781.

24. X. X. Li, C. C. Deng, D. Zhao, H. Yua, Q. X. Zeng, S. T. Zheng*, Composite Cluster-Organic Frameworks Based on Polyoxometalates and Copper/Cobalt-Oxygen Clusters, Dalton Trans, 2018, 47, 16408-16412.

23. 虞豪,郑寿添*,多钽氧酸簇聚物化学的研究进展,科学通报,2018, 63, 3277-3285.

22. J. J. Ru, Y. N. Gu, X. Ma, J. Z. Chen, S. T. Zheng, X. X. Li*, Construction of Two Inorganic-organic Hybrid Vanadogermanates Based on Di-Cd-Substituted Ge-V-O Cluster and Transition-metal Complex Bridges, Chin. J. Struct. Chem, 2018, 37(2), 219-229.

21. Y. N. Gu, Y. Chen, Y. L. Wu, S. T. Zheng, X. X. Li*, A Series of Banana-Shaped 3d-4f Heterometallic Cluster Substituted Polyoxometalates: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 2472-2479.

20. Y. L. Wu, X. X. Li, Y. J. Qi, H. Yu, L. Jin, S. T. Zheng*, {Nb288O768(OH)48(CO3)12}: A Macromolecular Polyoxometalate with Close to 300 Niobium Atoms, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8572-8576.

19. J. H. Liu, Y. N. Gu, Y. Chen, Y. J. Qi, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng *, Incorporating cuprous-halide clusters and lanthanide clusters to construct Heterometallic cluster organic frameworks with luminescence and gas adsorption properties, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 738-745.

18. L. D. Lin, C. C. Deng, D. Zhao, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng*, Construction of Zeolite-Like Cluster Organic Frameworks from 3d-4d/3d-3d Heterometallic Superterahedral Secondary Building Units: Syntheses, Structures and properties, Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 251-258.

 17. Y. J. Qi, J. H. Liu, W. X. Zheng, X. X Li, S. T. Zheng*, A Rare Porous Zinc Phosphonocarboxylate Framework with High Thermal Stability and Interesting Structural Transformation, Chin.Chem.Lett, 2018, 29, 959-962. (Invited paper) 


16. L. Jin, Z. K. Zhu, Y. L. Wu, X. X. Li, Y. J. Qi, S. T. Zheng*, Record High-Nuclearity Polyoxoniobates: Discrete Nanoclusters {Nb114}, {Nb81} and {Nb52}, and Extended Frameworks Based on {Cu3Nb78} and {Cu4Nb78}, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2017, 2017, 56, 16288-16292.

15. T. Yang, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng, Hydrothermal Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Catalysis Property of a Zr-substituted Polyoxometalate Based on [Zr2(μ-OH)2(α-SiW11O39)2]10- Building Blocks, Chin. J. Struct. Chem, 2017, 36(10), 1729-1736.

14. C. C. Deng, X. X. Li,* Y. J. Qi, X. Ma, S. T. Zheng, Q. X. Zeng*, Construction of Four Indium-Based Heterometallic Metal–Organic Frameworks Containing Intersecting Indium–Organic Helical Chains and Different Divalent-Metal-Ion Linkers, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 4919-4924.

13. Z. Li, X. X. Li*, S. T. Zheng, Three-dimensional architectures based on 1:1 type lanthanide-substituted Keggin-type polyoxometalates and lanthanide cations, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2017, 80, 27-32.

12. Z.W.Cai, T.Yang, Y.J.Qi, X.X.Li, S.T.Zheng*, A temperature-resolved assembly of a series of the largest scandium-containing polyoxotungstates, Dalton Trans, 2017, 46, 6848-6852.

11. Z.W.Cai, B.X.Liu, T.Yang, X.X.Li, S.T.Zheng*, Syntheses and structures of the first two tetra-scandium substituted polyoxometalates,Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2017, 80, 1-5.

10. B.X.Liu, Z.W.Cai, T.Yang, X.X.Li, G.Y.Yang*, S.T.Zheng*, A rare polyoxometalate based on mixed niobium-based polyoxoanions [GeNb18O54]14- and [Nb3W3O19]5-, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2017, 78, 56-60.

9.L.D. Lin, X.X.Li*, Y.J.Qi, X.Ma, S.T.Zheng*, Cluster Organic Frameworks Constructed From Heterometallic Supertetrahedral Cluster Secondary Building Units, Inorg. Chem, 2017, 56,4635-4642.

8. Y.J.Qi, D.Zhao, X.X.Li*, X.Ma, W.X.Zheng, S.T.Zheng*, Indium-Based Heterometal-Organic Frameworks with Different Nanoscale Cages: Syntheses, Structures and Gas Adsorption Properties, Crystal Growth & Design, 2017, 17, 1159-1165.

7. Z.Li, X.X.Li, T.Yang, Z.W.Cai, S.T.Zheng*, Four-Shell High-Nuclearity Ln26-Incorporated Polyoxometalates and Structure Transformations from Nanoclusters to Frameworks Triggered by Transition Metal Ions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2017, 56, 2664–2669.


6. L.Jin, X.X.Li, Y.J.Qi, P.P.Niu, S.T.Zheng*, Giant Hollow Heterometallic Polyoxoniobates with Sodalite-Type Ln-W-O Cages: Discrete Nanocluster and Extended Frameworks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2016, 55, 13793-13797.(VIP paper)

5. X.X.Li, X.Ma, W.X.Zheng, Y.J.Qi, S.T.Zheng*, G.Y.Yang*, Composite Hybrid Cluster Built from the Integration of Polyoxometalate and a Metal Halide Cluster: Synthetic Strategy, Structure, and Properties, Inorg. Chem, 2016, 55, 8257-8259.

4. Y.Q.Sun, F.Wan, X.X.Li, J.Lin, T.Wu, S.T.Zheng*, X.Bu*, A lanthanide complex for metal encapsulations and anion exchanges, Chem. Commun, 2016, 52, 10125-10128.

3. L.Jin, X.X.Li, D.Zhao, H.H.Li, S.T.Zheng*, A rare polyniobotungstate-based framework and its structural transformation in a single-crystal-tosingle-crystal process induced by iodide ions, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1705–1708.

2. X.X.Li, K.Y.Wei, T.T.Zhuang, W.Xia, J.Y.Chen, R.T.Zhang, S.T.Zheng*,Three-dimensional metal-organic framework based on pentanuclear manganese clusters as building blocks, J. Coord. Chem, 2016, 1792-1801. (invited paper)


1. G.J.Cao, J.D.Liu, T.T.Zhuang, X.H.Cai, S.T.Zheng*, Polyoxometalate-Organic Supermolecular Nanotube with High Chemical Stability and Proton-Conducting Properties, Chem. Commun, 2015, 51, 2048-2051.

Selected Publications before joining Fuzhou University

S.T.Zheng, J.Zhang, G.Y.Yang*, Designed synthesis of POM-organic frameworks from {Ni6PW9} building blocks under hydrothermal conditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2008, 47, 3909.

S.T.Zheng, J.Zhang, J.M.Clemente-Juan, D.Q.Yuan, G.Y.Yang*, Poly(polyoxotungstate)s with 20 Nickel Centers: From Nanoclusters to One-Dimensional Chains, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7176.

S.T.Zheng, J.T.Bu, Y.Li, T.Wu, F.Zuo, P.Feng*, X.Bu*, Pore Space Partition and Charge Separation in Cage-within-Cage Indium Organic Frameworks with High CO2 Uptake, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17062.

S.T.Zheng, J.Zhang, X.X.Li, W.H.Fang, G.Y.Yang*, Cubic Polyoxometalate-Organic Molecular Cage, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 15102.

S.T.Zheng, T.Wu, J.Zhang, M.Chow, R.A.Nieto, P.Feng*, X. Bu*, Porous Metal Carboxylate Boron Imidazolate Frameworks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 5362.

S.T.Zheng, F.Zuo, T.Wu, B.Irfanoglu, C.Chou, R.A.Nieto, P.Feng*, X.Bu*, Cooperative Assembly of Three-Ring-Based Zeolite-Type Metal-Organic Frameworks and Johnson-Type Dodecahedra, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2011, 50, 1849.

S.T.Zheng, J.T.Bu, T.Wu, C.Chou, P.Feng*, X.Bu*, Porous Indium-Organic Frameworks and Systematization of Structural Building Blocks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2011, 50, 8858.

S.T.Zheng, T.Wu, B.Irfanoglu, F.Zuo, P.Feng*, X.Bu*, Multicomponent Self-Assembly of a Nested Co24@Co48 Metal–Organic Polyhedral Framework, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2011, 50, 8034.

S.T.Zheng, T.Wu, F.Zuo, C.Chou, P.Feng*, X.Bu*, Mimicking Zeolite to Its Core: Porous Sodalite Cages as Hangers for Pendant Trimeric M3(OH) Clusters (M = Mg, Mn, Co, Ni, Cd), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 1934.

S.T.Zheng, T.Wu, C.Chou, A.Fuhr, P.Feng*, X.Bu*,Development of Composite Inorganic Building Blocks for MOFs, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 4517.

S.T.Zheng, C.Mao, T.Wu, S.Lee, P.Feng*, X.Bu*,Generalized Synthesis of Zeolite-Type Metal?Organic Frameworks Encapsulating Immobilized Transition-Metal Clusters, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 11936.

S.T.Zheng, G.Y.Yang*, Recent advances in paramagnetic-TM-substituted polyoxometalates (TM = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), Chem. Soc. Rev. 2012, 41, 7623.

S.T.Zheng, X.Zhao, S.Lau, A.Fuhr, P.Feng, X.Bu*,Entrapment of Metal Clusters in Metal?Organic Framework Channels by Extended Hooks Anchored at Open Metal Sites, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 10270. 
