姓 名: | 袁耀锋 | |
性 别: | 男 |
职 称: | 教授(博导) | |
学 历: | 博士 | |
职 务: | 无 | |
电 话: | 0591-22866161(办) | |
专 业: | 有机化学 | |
电子邮件: | [email protected] | |
研究方向: | 有机合成及金属有机化学 |
1999年2月至2001年2月在西班牙Zaragoza大学化学系Prof. Luis A. Oro课题组做博士后;
2001年3月至2003年10月在以色列魏兹曼科学研究院(WIS) 材料与界面科学系Prof. Meir Lahav课题组做博士后;
2003年11月至2005年12月在比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)化学系Prof. C. Goerller-Walrand 和 Prof. K. Binnemans课题组做博士后;
2005年12月17日至今在福州大学化学(化工)德州扑克平台 任有机化学教授,博士生导师;
2014年4月至2022年1月担任德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 副院长,主管本科生教学工作等。
多年来一直从事于功能有机分子的设计、合成与应用方面的研究,取得了系列研究成果。 在南开大学工作期间曾主持、完成了两项国家自然科学基金,与他人合作主持、完成了一项国家自然科学基金,完成了两项国家重点实验室课题。2005年底回国到福州大学任教,先后主持完成了五项国家自然科学基金、两项福建省自然科学基金、两项福建省科技计划重点项目、一项教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、一项教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金和六项国家重点实验室开放基金等。目前主持两项国家自然科学基金和中国高等教育学会“理科教育研究”专项课题等。至今在美国化学会会志(JACS)、金属有机化学(Organometallics)和国际金属有机化学(J. Organomet. Chem.)等学术刊物上发表研究论文约198篇,其中近118篇论文被SCI收录,发表教研教改论文约40篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 20772016),“茂铁分子导线-半导体纳米杂化复合材料的构筑与光电性能研究”, 2008年1月- 2010年12月。
2. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 21172036),“功能导向的刚性单分散含茂铁炔基共轭分子体系的合成”, 2012年1月- 2015年12月。
3. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 21372043),“氧化还原型双核茂铁咪唑环蕃类受体分子的合成和氟离子识别研究”,2014年1月- 2017年12月。
4. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 21642009),“功能导向的多核茂铁碳硼烷类有机共轭分子的设计合成”,2017年1月- 2017年12月。
5. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 21772023),“具有氧化还原中心的碳硼烷基偶氮苯共轭分子的设计合成”,2018年1月- 2021年12月。
6. 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(课题编号20113514110002),“基于炔基茂铁的单分散共轭低聚物的合成与光物理性质研究”,2012年1月- 2014年12月。
7. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,“光电化学传感体系的设计合成与识别研究”,2008年1月-2009年12月。
8. 福建省自然科学基金(项目编号:2006J0112),“具有生物活性茂铁杂环化合物的绿色合成”,2007年1月-2009年12月。
9. 福建省自然科学基金(项目编号:2010J01036),“含茂铁基三联吡啶刚性棒功能分子的构筑与光电性质研究”,2010年-2012年。
10. 福建省科技计划重点项目(项目编号:2009H0021), “基于离子液体的柴油脱氮脱硫新技术开发”, 2009年3月-2011年12月。
11. 福建省产学重点项目(项目编号:2015H6010), “功能性氟碳涂料的关键技术研究”, 2015年4月-2018年3月。
12. 中国科德州扑克平台 福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室基金“新型茂铁分子导线的构筑与光电性能研究”(课题编号:20080050)。
13. 南开大学元素有机化学国家重点实验室基金“新型功能化茂铁分子导线的设计与合成”(项目编号为 0707)。
14. 中国科德州扑克平台 福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室基金“具有刚性三维结构的茂铁炔基共轭分子的合成”(课题编号:20120010)。
15. 固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)基金“茂铁二巯基类刚性共轭分子的单分子导电性质研究”(课题编号为:201406)。
1. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 22373019),“基于茂铁环蕃多通道单分子结的电子传输性质研究”,2024年1月-2027年12月;
2. 国家自然科学基金(项目号码: 22071025),“功能化刚性碳硼烷大环化合物的设计合成”,2021年1月-2024年12月;
3. 中国高等教育学会“理科教育研究课题”(课题批准号:21LKYB07),课题名称:新时代下化学创新人才培养研究,2021年9月-2023年5月;
4. 教育部2022年度基础学科拔尖计划2.0研究课题(课题编号:20222114),课题名称:基于"C3H3"嘉锡教育理念的化学类拔尖人才培养的福大模式探索与实践,2022年12月--2024年11月。
1. Electrochemical multicomponent reaction toward vicinal sulfenyltetrazolation of unactivated alkenes
Zhu, Xiao-Bin.; Yu, Yi; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 5064.
2. The anti-breast cancer potential of indole/isatin hybrids
Wang, Ruo; Huang, Ren-Hong; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Wang, Zheng; Shen, Kun-Wei
Arch. Pharm. 2023; e2300402.
3. Research Progress of Electron Transport Properties in Ferrocene-Containing Single-Molecule Junctions
Zuo, Xin; Xu, Shi-Nuo; Chen, Zhong-Yang; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2023, 43, 2313-2322.
4. Synthesis, properties and application of o-carborane-based π-conjugated macrocycles
Qu, Qi; Fu, Mei-Gui; Lin, Cai-Xia; Geng, Yan-Hou; Li, Yuan-Ming; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Org. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 3293.
5. Nanocarbon Molecules-the Fascination of Synthetic Chemistry
Yan, Jian-Feng; Xu, Jin-Dong; Zhang, Rui-Ying; Zhou, Pin; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Yuan-Ming
Process. Chem., 2023, 35(5):699-708.
6. Electrochemical Dearomative Spirocyclization
Li, Nan; Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Wang, Wei-Zhen; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Chem. Asian. J., 2023, 18 (9).
7. When nanocarbon science meets with molecular machine: A new type of mechanically interlocked molecules (MIMs)
Lan, Bin; Zhang, Rui-Ying; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Yuan-Ming
Chin. J. Struct. Chem.42 (2023) 100008.
8. Growth of single-crystals and microstructures using benzothiadiazole derivatives for efficient optical waveguide and nonlinearity
Chen, Song-Hua; Wang, Zhi-Hua; Tan, Jing; Lu, Ya-Qi; Zhu, Xiang-Zhao; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Xu, Jia-Liang
J. Lumin. 260 (2023) 119858.
9. Nonlinear properties of benzothiadiazole-based intramolecular charge-transfer compounds
Zhu, Xiang-Zhao; Hu, Hong-Dan; Chen, Song-Hua; Li, Yuan-Ming; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 4299.
10. Investigating stimuli-responsive luminescence and aggregation-induced emission properties of o-carborane-based luminophores modified with phenanthrene or anthracene
Wang, Li; Chen, Rong-Jian; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 16129.
11. Conductance of o-carborane-based wires with different substitution patterns
Xu, Shi-Nuo; Zheng, Yan; Ye, Jing-Yao; Chen, Zhong-Yang; Yan, Jian-Feng; Geng, Yan-Hou; Hong, Wenjing; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 4349.
12. Synthesis and Characterization of New o-Carboranes-Based Aggregation-Induced Emission Molecules with Ultra-Large Stokes Shift
Wang, Li; Zhou, Cheng-Sheng; Dai, Yu-Han; Hou, Yu-Liang; Yan, Jian-Feng; Li, Yuan-Ming; Yuan, Yao-Feng
ChemistrySelect. 2023, 8, e202204063.
13. Synthesis of ferrocenyl pyrazoline derivatives and their effects on thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate
Zhuo, Ji-Bin.; Wang, Ji-Cheng.; Yuan, Yao-Feng
J. Organomet. Chem. 2022, 959, 122185.
14. Electrochemical Sulfoxidation of Thiols and Alkyl Halides
Yu, Yi; Wu, Shao-Fen.; Zhu, Xiao-Bin.; Yuan, Yao-Feng.; Li, Zhen.; Ye, Ke-Yin
J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87 (10), 6942-6950.
15. Electrochemical beta-chlorosulfoxidation of alkenes
Yu, Yi; Jiang, Yi-Min.; Zhu, Xiao-Bin.; Lin, Yong-Ying.; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Chem. Front. 2022, 9 (20), 5586-5591.
16. Electrochemistry enabled selective vicinal fluorosulfenylation and fluorosulfoxidation of alkenes
Yu, Yi; Jiang, Yi-Min; Wu, Shao-Fen; Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Wu, Jin-Nan; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Chin. Chem. Lett. 2022, 33 (4), 2009-2014.
17. Ag2O/squaramide cocatalyzed asymmetric interrupted Barton-Zard reaction of 8-nitroimidazo 1,2-a pyridines
Wan, Qian; Zheng, Chao; Yuan, Yao-Feng; You, Shu-Li
Sci. Bull. 2022, 67 (16), 1688-1695.
18. Electrochemical Dearomative Spirocyclization of N-Acyl Thiophene-2-sulfonamides
Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Wang, Wei-Zhen; Li, Nan; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yinv
Org. Lett. 2022, 6321-6325.
19. Electrochemical oxidative dearomatization of 2-arylthiophenes
Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Lu, Hao-Kuan; Li, Nan; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Zhen; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Chem. Front. 2022, 9 (11), 2921-2925.
20. Electrochemical Migratory Cyclization of N-Acylsulfonamides
Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Li, Yuan-Yuan; Li, Nan; Wang, Wei-Zhen; Lu, Hao-Kuan; Yan, Hong; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Zhu, Jun; Ye, Ke-Yin
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61 (30), e2022060.
21. Electrochemical 5-exo-dig aza-cyclization of 2-alkynylbenzamides toward 3-hydroxyisoindolinone derivatives
Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Li, Nan; Wang, Wei-Zhen.; Lu, Hao-Kuan; Yuan, Ya0-Feng; Li, Zhen; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2022, 20 (21), 4320-4323.
22. A photoelectrochemical sensor for highly sensitive detection of H2O2 based on Fcmim N(CN)(2) @Nafion (R) film modified GaN through a parallel catalysis strategy.
Rong, Xiu-Jun; Liu, Wei-Ming; Wang, Xin-Yang; Li, Mei-Jin; Wang, Jian; Lin, Zhen-Yu; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2022, 365, 131914.
23. Synthesis and properties of borane-containing ionic liquids based on biferrocene
Liu, Wei-Ming; Zhou, Cheng-Sheng; Lin, Cai-Xia; Yan, Jian-Feng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2022, 36 (2), e6498.
24. Synthesis and Nucleotide Recognition Properties of Carborane-Based Benzoimidazolium Cyclophane
Lin, Bin-Han; Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Lin, Cai-Xia; Gao, Yong; Yuan, Yao-Feng.
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 42 (8), 2551-2558.
25. Rapid synthesis of spirodienones via electrochemical dearomative spirocyclization in flow.
Li, Nan; Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Zhen; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Chem. Front. 2022, 6586–6591.
26. Synthesis of 2-Imino-1,2-dihydroquinolines via Copper Catalysis
Zhu, Gai-Ge; Lai, Xiao-Hui; Wang, Si-Yu; Lin, Cai-Xia.; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 41 (7), 2810-2819.
27. Rational design and bioimaging application of cholesterol conjugated fluorescence probe for Cu2+ detection
Zhong, Chun-Lin; Qiu, Jian-Wen; Liu, Meng; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Zhu, Hu; Gao, Yong.
J. Photochem. Photobiol., A 2021, 414, 113267.
28. D-pi-A type ferrocene-substituted azobenzene photochromic switches: synthesis, structures, and electrochemical and photoisomerization studies
Yan, Jian-Feng; Men, Rui-Xi; Chen, Xiao-Xiao; Lin, Cai-Xia; Nockemann, Peter; Yuan, Yao-Feng
New J. Chem. 2021, 45 (42), 19917-19927.
29. Silver-Catalyzed Asymmetric Dearomatization of Electron-Deficient Heteroarenes via Interrupted Barton-Zard Reaction
Wan, Qian; Xie, Jia-Hao; Zheng, Chao; Yuan, Yao-Feng; You, Shu-Li
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60 (36), 19730-19734.
30. Recent advances in the electrochemical hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons
Shi, Zhao-Jiang; Li, Nan; Lu, Hao-Kuan; Chen, Xiao-Ping; Zheng, Hui-Dong; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 28, 100713.
31. Rational design and bioimaging application of water-soluble Fe3+ fluorescent probes
Qiu, Jian-Wen; Zhong, Chun-Lin; Liu, Meng; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Zhu, Hu; Gao, Yong
New J. Chem. 2021, 45 (11), 5184-5194.
32. Phosphine Oxide-Directed Palladium-Catalyzed Heck-Type Functionalization of o-Carboranes
Lian, Ling-Xiang; Yin, Jing-Yi; Lin, Cai-Xia; Ye, Ke-Yin; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 41 (8), 3249-3255.
33. Electrochemical fluorosulfonylation of styrenes
Jiang, Yi-Ming; Yu, Yi; Wu, Shao-Fen; Yan, Hong; Yuan, Ya0-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Chem. Commun. 2021, 57 (87), 11481-11484.
34. Recent Advances in the Electrochemical Synthesis and Functionalization of Indole Derivatives
Yu, Yi; Zhong, Jun-Song; Xu, Kai; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin.
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2020, 362 (11), 2102-2119.
35. Merging photochemistry with electrochemistry in organic synthesis
Yu, Yi; Guo, Peng; Zhong, Jun-Song; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Org. Chem. Front. 2020, 7 (1), 131-135.
36. Carborane bridged ferrocenyl conjugated molecules: synthesis, structure, electrochemistry and photophysical properties
Yan, Jian-Feng; Zhu, Gai-Ge; Yuan, Ye; Lin, Cai-Xia; Huang, Shu-Ping; Yuan, Yao-Feng
New J. Chem. 2020, 44 (18), 7569-7576.
37. Synthesis, crystal structure and calculation of oxides of 2-methylamino-3-methyl quinoxaline
Wang, Rui; Zhang, Min; Wang, Wen-Feng; Wang, Xu-Cheng; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Jun-Jian
J. Mol. Struct. 2020, 1222, 128826.
38. Enantioselective Synthesis of Multisubstituted Spirocyclopentane Oxindoles Enabled by Pd/Chiral Rh(III) Complex Synergistic Catalysis.
Wan, Qian; Chen, Liang; Li, Shi-Wu; Kang, Qiang; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Du, Yu
Org. Lett. 2020, 22 (24), 9539-9544.
39. Copper-Catalyzed C-H Difluoroalkylation of Coumarins with Fluoroalkyl Bromides
Rao, Min; Wei, Zhen-Wei; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Cheng, Jia-Jia
Chemcatchem 2020, 12 (20), 5256-5260.
40. Synthesis and characterization of N-(arylmethylene)-benzimidazole/imidazole-borane compounds
Liu, Wei-Ming; Zhang, Min; Yan, Jian-Feng; Lin, Cai-Xia; Yuan, Yao-Feng.
J. Organomet. Chem. 2020, 927, 121544.
41. A Coumarin-boronic Based Fluorescent "ON-OFF" Probe for Hg2+ in Aqueous Solution
Lin, Cai-Xia; Zhang, Min; Yan, Xi-Quan; Zhang, Rui-Qi; He, Xiao-Jie; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2020, 646 (23-24), 1892-1899.
42. Phosphine oxide-directed palladium-catalyzed B(3)-H arylation of o-carboranes
Lian, Ling-Xiang; Lin, Cai-Xia; Yu, Yi; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Ye, Ke-Yin
Tetrahedron Lett. 2020, 61 (51), 4.
43. 4,4 '-Dimethoxy-triphenylamine Conjugated Azobenzene Photochromic Switches: Synthesis, Electrochemical and Photoisomerization Studies
Yan, Jian-Feng; Zhang, Rui-Qi; Yuan, Ye; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 39 (7), 2009-2017.
44. Chiral-at-Metal Rh(III) Complex Catalyzed Cascade Reduction-Michael Addition Reaction
Wan, Qian; Li, Shi-Wu; Kang, Qiang; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Du, Yu
J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84 (23), 15201-15211.
45. A visible-light-irradiated electron donor-acceptor complex-promoted radical reaction system for the C-H perfluoroalkylation of quinolin-4-ols
Li, Yun-Ze; Rao, Min; Fan, Zhen-Wei; Nian, Bao-Yi; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Cheng, Jia-Jia
Tetrahedron Lett. 2019, 60 (38), 151046.
46. High Efficiency Catalytic Synthesis of N-Sulfonyltriazole in Aqueous Phase by Copper Sulfate/Substituted Thiourea.
Dong, Li-Rong; Wang, Si-Yu; Zhang, Xiao-Mei; Cheng, Jia-Jia; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2019, 40 (5), 927-931.
47. Synthesis and characterization of cyclophane: The highly selective recognition of Fe3+ in aqueous solution and H2PO4- in acetonitrile solution
Zhou, Ji; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Lin, Cai-Xia
Tetrahedron Lett. 2018, 59 (11), 1059-1064.
48. Ferrocene-Alkynyl Conjugated Molecular Wires: Synthesis, Characterization, and Conductance Properties
Yuan, Ye; Yan, Jian-Feng; Lin, Da-Qiang; Mao, Bing-Wei; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chem. - Eur. J. 2018, 24 (14), 3545-3555.
49. Synthesis of 2-Ferrocenyl-4, 5-diphenylimidazolium Ionic Liquids and Their Catalysis Performance for Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate
Wang, Ji-Cheng; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Yang, Si-Han; Lin, Fen
Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2018, 39 (5), 889-896.
50. Synthesis, NMR and computational studies on tautomerism of dichloroacetate of hydroxyanthraquinone
Zhu, Li; Wang, Wen-Feng; Miao, Jun-Wei; Yin, Xu; Hu, Xiu-Fang; Yuan, Yao-Feng.
J. Mol. Struct. 2017, 1141, 462-468.
51. Synthesis, SAR and pharmacological characterization of novel anthraquinone cation compounds as potential anticancer agents
Zheng, Yan-Yan; Zhu, Li; Fan, Lu-Lu; Zhao, Wen-Na; Wang, Jian-Long; Hao, Xian-Xiao; Zhu, Yun-Hui; Hu, Xiu-Fang; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Shao, Jing-Wei; Wang, Wen-Feng.
Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2017, 125, 902-913.
52. Pd-Catalyzed Arylperfluoroalkylation of Unactivated Olefins for the Synthesis of Heterocycles
Zheng, Jin-Hua; Chen, Pan; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Cheng, Jia-Jia
J. Org. Chem. 2017, 82 (11), 5790-5797.
53. Dual roles of substituted thiourea as reductant and ligand in CuAAC reaction.
Wang, Si-Yu; Jia, Kai; Cheng, Jia-Jia; Chen, Yu; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Tetrahedron Lett. 2017, 58 (38), 3717-3721.
54. Determination of the activity of superoxide dismutase using a glassy carbon electrode modified with ferrocene imidazolium salts and hydroxy-functionalized graphene
Wang, Jian; Jiang, Zhou; Xie, Li- Li; Liu, Min-Yan; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Microchim. Acta 2017, 184 (1), 289-296.
55. Radical Desulfur-Fragmentation and Reconstruction of Enol Triflates: Facile Access to alpha-Trifluoromethyl Ketones
Su, Xiao-Long; Huang, Hong-Gui; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Yi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56 (5), 1338-1341.
56. N-Heterocyclic Carbene/Potassium Ion Cooperatively Catalyzed Phenylation Reactions of ,-Unsaturated Acylazoliums
Zheng, Jin-Hua; Zhu, Ke-Jie; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Cheng, Jia-Jia
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 2016 (26), 4569-4576.
57. Highly selective detection of fluoride based on 2,2-diferrocenylpropane benzimidazolium borate-ester salt
Su, Zhi-Ming; Yan, Xi-Quan; Liang, Chao-Li; Lin, Cai-Xia; Xie, Li-Li; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57 (11), 1250-1255.
58. Copper-catalyzed carbochlorination or carbobromination via radical cyclization of aryl amines
Ouyang, Jia-Ning; Su, Xiao-Long; Chen, Yu; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Li, Yi
Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57 (13), 1438-1441.
59. Synthesis and Anion Recognition of Acyclic Ferrocene-Based Imidazole Receptors
Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Yan, Xi-Quan; Wang, Xiao-Xue; Xie, Li-Li; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35 (5), 1090-1096.
60. Synthesis and Anion Recognition of Trinuclear Ferrocene-based Imidazole Receptors
Zhuo, Jin-Bin; Wan, Qian; Yan, Xi-Quan; Xie, Li-Li; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chem. J. Chin. Univ. 2015, 36 (3), 477-U360.
61. Synthesis of two nickel (II) complexes bearing pyrrolide-imine ligand and their catalytic effects on thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate
Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Ma, Zai-He; Lin, Cai-Xia; Xie, Li- Li; Bai, Sha; Yuan, Yao-Feng
J. Mol. Struct. 2015, 1085, 13-20.
62. Anion receptors of N-ferrocenylmethylene-substituted bis-imidazolium salts linked by xylene spacers
Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Lin, Cai-Xia; Wan, Qian; Xie, Li-Li.; Yuan, Yao-Feng
J. Organomet. Chem. 2015, 791, 289-297.
63. Anslyn, E. V., Dynamic Aminal-Based TPA Ligands
Zhou, Yun-Tao; Yuan, Yao-Feng; You, Lei
Chem. - Eur. J. 2015, 21 (22), 8207-8213.
64. Dynamic covalent binding and chirality sensing of mono secondary amines with a metal-templated assembly
Zhou, Yun-Tao; Ren, Yu-Long; Zhang, Ling; You, Lei; Yuan, Yao-Feng; Anslyn, E. V.
Tetrahedron 2015, 71 (21), 3515-3521.
65. Synthesis, Characterization, and Anticancer Activity of Novel Lipophilic Emodin Cationic Derivatives
Yang, Xiao; Zhao, Wen-Na; Hu, Xiu-Fang; Hao, Xian-Xiao; Hong, Fang; Wang, Jian-Long; Xiang, Li-Ping; Zhu, Yun-Hui; Yuan, Yao-Feng. Ho, Rodney J. Y; Wang, Wen-Feng; Shao, Jing-Wei
Chem. Biol. Drug Des. 2015, 86 (6), 1451-1457.
66. Design, Synthesis and Anion Recognition of Benzocoumarin-Based Thiourea Receptors
Yan, Xi-Quan; Zhuo, Ji- Bin; Wang, Ji-Cheng; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35 (10), 2184-2190.
67. Ferrocenylethynyl-Terminated Azobenzenes: Synthesis, Electrochemical, and Photoisomerization Studies
Yan, Jian-Feng; Lin, Da-Qiang; Wang, Xin-Gang; Wu, Kai-Qiang; Xie, Li-Li; Yuan, Yao-Feng
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68. A simple and highly selective 2,2-diferrocenylpropane-based multi-channel ion pair receptor for Pb2+ and HSO4
Wan, Qian; Zhuo, Ji-Bin; Wang, Xiao-Xue; Lin, Cai-Xia; Yuan, Yao-Feng
Dalton Trans. 2015, 44 (12), 5790-5796.
69. Selective anion receptor for fluoride detection using ferrocenyl-boronate derivative
Su, Zhi-Ming; Lin, Cai-Xia; Zhou, Yun-Tao; Xie, Li-Li; Yuan, Yao-Feng
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1. A selective anion receptor based on 2,2-diferrocenylpropane imidazolium sulphonate salt
Zhi-Ming Su, Hong-Min Ye, Xiao-Xiao Zhu, Li-Li Xie, Sha Bai and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 750, 162-168.
2. Acyclic ferrocene-based imidazolium salts as multi-site anion receptors
Ji-Bin Zhuo, Chao-Yu Zhang, Cai-Xia Lin, Sha Bai, Li-Li Xie and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 763-764, 34-43.
3. Design, synthesis and anion recognition of ferrocene-based benzimidazolium receptors
Ji-Bin Zhuo, Xiao-Xiao Zhu, Cai-Xia Lin, Sha Bai, Li-Li Xie and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 770, 85-93.
4. Mono- and dinuclear Hg(II) complexes of bis-(N-heterocyclic carbene) bridged with calixarene fragments: Synthesis, structure and sensing behavior
Cai-Xia Lin, Lin Guo, Qing-Shan Li, Zheng-Zhi Zhang, Yao-Feng Yuan*and Feng-Bo Xu*
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 749, 180-187.
5. 2,5-Bis(2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole ligands and their Cu(I) complexes for Sonogashira coupling reaction
Cai-Xia Lin, Jia-Fang Zhu, Qing-Shan Li, Li-Hua Ao, Yan-Juan Jin, Feng-Bo Xu*, Fang-Zhong Hu* and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Appl. Organometal. Chem., 2014, 28 (4), 298-303.
6. Ferrocene-based sulfonyl dihydropyrazole derivatives: Synthesis, structure, electrochemistry and effect on thermal decomposition of NH4ClO4
Ji-Bin Zhuo, Heng-Dong Li, Cai-Xia Lin, Li-Li Xie, Sha Bai and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014, 1067, 112-119.
7. Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of benzimidazole-bridged dinuclear ferrocenyl derivatives
Zheng-Mao Lai, Hong-Min Ye, Qian Wan, Li-Li Xie, Sha Bai and Yao-Feng Yuan*
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014, 1059, 33-39.
8. Dinuclear Macrocyclic Quinoline Bridged Mercury and Silver Bis(N-heterocyclic Carbene) Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, and Spectroscopic Studies
Cai-Xia Lin, Xiao-Fei Kong, Feng-Bo Xu, Zheng-Zhi Zhang and Yao-Feng Yuan
9. Dinuclear Ag(I) metallamacrocycles of bis-N-heterocyclic carbenes bridged by calixarene fragments: synthesis, structure and chemosensing behavior
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10. Observation and analysis of abnormal absorption signals in laser flash photolysis measurement
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11. A highly selective rhodamine-based optical–electrochemical multichannel chemosensor for Fe3+
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13. Synthesis, crystal structure and redox properties of dihydropyrazole-bridged ferrocene-based derivatives
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14. Alkynyl-Bridged Ruthenium(II) 4′-Diferrocenyl-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine Electron Transfer Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, and Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies
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15. Synthesis of the first 1,3-disubstituted 1,3-butadienyl heteroannular bridged [4]ferrocenophane
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16. Synthesis, Structure And Electrochemical Behaviour Of 2,2-Diferrocenylpropane-Substituted Dihydropyrazole Derivatives
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17. Synthesis of dihydropyrazole-bridged dinuclear ferrocenyl derivatives and their catalytic effect on thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate
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18. Rare-Earth Complexes of Ferrocene-Containing Ligands: Visible-Light Excitable Luminescent Materials
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王文峰, 袁耀锋, 李俊篯, 大学化学. 2017, 32(8): 60-65
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袁耀峰, 费鸿俊, 群言. 2007, (12): 8-11.
翁志强, 袁耀锋, 科学画报. 2010 (12): 10-11.
1.获得2006年度陕西省科学技术奖一等奖(编号06-286) “多羟基双萘醛等植物源病毒抑制剂的筛选与研制” 吴云锋、袁耀锋等(与西北西北农林科技大学吴云锋教授合作,本人作为第二完成人);
8.2023年7月荣获2022年国家级教学成果奖,二等奖(排名第二),成果奖名称:传承“C3H3”嘉锡教育理念 培养化学创新人才的探索与实践。