
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:
姓    名: 邱彬
性    别:


职    称: 教授
学    历: 博士研究生
职    务: 食品安全教育部重点实验室办公室主任
电    话: 13328667537
专    业: 分析化学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 食品安全 药物分析 环境分析

1994年 南京大学德州扑克平台 化学系分析化学专业学士学位
2002年 福州大学德州扑克平台 化学系分析化学专业硕士学位
2008年 福州大学德州扑克平台 化学系分析化学专业博士学位
1994-2002年 福建医科大学基础部化学教研室-药德州扑克平台 讲师
2002-至今 福州大学德州扑克平台 教师
2008-2010年 香港理工大学应用生物与化学科技学系高级访问学者
2013-2015年 香港浸会大学理德州扑克平台 化学系博士后

承担福州大学德州扑克平台 基地化学班“分析化学”以及“分析化学实验”、环境与资源德州扑克平台 的“定量分析化学”理论和实验、本院硕士研究生课程“食品安全导论”、本院博士研究生课程“光谱探针理论与技术”、德州扑克平台 以及至诚德州扑克平台 的“食品化学与食品安全监测”等课程的理论和实验教学工作,配合德州扑克平台 的教学实践工作。 

在国内外重要刊物上发表论文80多篇,包括 Chem.Commun., Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Analyst, Electroche.Comm., Anal.Chim.Acta等权威刊物。其中10篇发表在化学通讯上(Chem.Commun.,影响因子:5.504),3篇发表在生物传感与生物电子学(Biosensors and Bioelectronics.,影响因子:5.514),另有40余篇发表在影响因子大于3.0的国际知名期刊上。 

福建聚泉鳗鱼研究所 副所长

11.福建省自然基金项目 “金属卟啉电催化处理环境有害物无机氮化物的研究” 项目编号2006J0132(第二);
13.国家“863”项目“海水体中叶绿素、溶解氧和悬浮泥沙复合式传感探头及仪器的研制,项目编号2006AA09Z160” (第二);
14.国家青年自然科学基金“重要赤潮毒素的受体型电化学生物传感器检测技术研究” 项目编号20305004(第三);

1. Bin Qiu, Ya-shan zhang, Yi-bing Lin, Yu-Jing Lu, Zhen-yu Lin, Kwok-Yin Wong, Guo-nan Chen*,A novel fluorescent biosensor for detection of target DNA fragment from the transgene Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter ,Biosen. Bioelectron.2013(Accepted).
2. Bin Qiu, Lishuang She, Pingzhou, Xiaofen Jiang, Zhen-yu Lin, Guo-nan Chen,An ultrasensitive biosensor for glucose based on solid-state electrochemi -luminescence on GOx/CdS/GCE electrode , Analytical Methods.2013(Accepted)
3.Ting-xiu Ye, Shu-lan Ye, Dong-mei Chen, Qing-ai Chen, Bin Qiu*, Xi Chen*, Spectroscopic chara cterization of tetrac ationic porphyrins and their noncovalent functionalization with grapheme ,Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2012,86,467–471
4.Ting-xiu Ye , Yan-yan Du , Chun-yan He , Bin Qiu* , Yi-ru Wang and Xi Chen*, Preparation of novel core-shell silica particles for pH sensing using ratiometric fluorescence approach,Anal. Methods, 2012, 4, 1001 -1004
5.Yu-Jing Lu,Na Ma,Yu-jun Li, Zhen-yu Lin, Bin Qiu*, Guo-nan Chen, Kwok-Yin Wong,Styryl quinolinium/G-quadruplex complex for dual-channel fluorescent sensing of Ag+ and cysteine Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2012,(173) 295–299
6. Xi Zhu, Hanye Zheng, Xiaofeng Wei, Zhenyu Lin, Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu and Guonan Chen*, Metal–organic framework (MOF): a novel sensing platform for biomolecules?Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 1276
7 .Xiaofeng Wei, Lingyan Zheng, Fang Luo, Zhenyu Lin, Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu and Guonan Chen* Fluorescence biosensor for the H5N1 antibody based on a metal–organic framework platform2013,DOI: 10.1039/c3tb00501a
8.Bin Qiu, ZhenZhu Zheng, YuJing Lu, ZhenYu Lin, KwokYin Wong, GuoNan Chen, G-quadruplex DNAzyme as the turn on switch for fluorimetric detection of genetically modified organisms ,Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 1437-1439.
9.Bin Qiu, Longhua Guo, Mingluan Chen, Zhenyu Lin and Guonan Chen, Study on interaction between a new fluorescent probe 2-methylbenzo[b] [1,10] phenanthrolin -7(12H)-one and BSA, Analyst 2011, 136, 973-978.
10.Bin Qiu, Longhua Guo, Chunhua Guo, Zhiyong Guo, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen, Synthesis of a new Ni-phenanthroline complex and its application as an electrochemical probe for detection of nucleic acid. Biosen. Bioelectron. 2011, 26, 2270-2274.
11.Bin Qiu, LinglingXue, Guonan Chen, Mechanism study on inorganic oxidants inducedinhibition of Ru(bpy)32+ electrochem. iluminescence and its application for sensitive determination of some inorganicoxidants. Talanta,2011, 85,339-344.
12.Bin Qiu, Xiaofen Jiang, Guonan Chen, A highly sensitive method for detection of protein based on inhibition of Ru(bpy)32+/TPrA elect r-ochemiluminescent system,Electrochimica Acta,2011, 56, 6962- 6965.
13. Xi Zhu, Xiaoyao Gao, Qida Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu and Guonan Chen, Pb2+-introduced activation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-mimicking DNAzyme, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 7437-7439.
14. Weiqiang Yang, Xi Zhu, Qida Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen ,Label-Free Detection of Telomerase Activity in HeLa Cells Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 3129-3131.
15. Zhenyu Lin, Fang Luo, Qida Liu, Lifen Chen, Bin Qiu, Zongwei Cai and Guonan Chen, Signal-on electrochemiluminescent biosensor for ATP based on therecombination of aptamer chip, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 8064-8066.
16. Xi Zhu, Huifeng Xu, Xiaoyao Gao, Xianghui Li, Qida Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu and Guonan, ChenDesign of a DNA electronic logic gate (INHIBIT gate) with an assayingapplication for Ag+ and cysteine, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 9080-9082.
17. Zhenyu Lin, Weiqiang Yang, Guiyun Zhang, Qida Liu, Bin Qiu, Zongwei Cai and Guonan Chen, An ultrasensitive colorimeter assay strategy for p53 mutation assisted bynicking endonuclease signal amplification, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 9069-9071.
18. Suyan Qiu, Sen Gao, Qida Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy sensor for ascorbic acid based oncopper(I) catalyzed click chemistry, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2011, 26, 4326- 4330.
19. Xi Zhu, Lifeng Chen, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, Highly Sensitive Electrochemiluminescennt Sensor for Adenosine Based on Structure-Switching of Aptamer, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2011, 684, 121-125.
20. Suyan Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Sen Gao, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, “Determination of Copper(II) Ion in the Dairy Product by an Electrochemical Sensor Based on Click Chemistry”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2011, 707, 57-61.
21. Suyan Qiu, Sen Gao, Xi Zhu, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu and Guonan Chen, Development of ultra-high sensitive and selective electrochemiluminescent sensor for copper(II) ions: a novel strategy for modification of gold electrodeusing click chemistry, Analyst, 2011, 136, 1580.
22. Suyan Qiu, Xi Zhu, Sheng Gao, Zhenyu Lin, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, An Ultrasensitive and Selective Electrochemiluminescent Sensor for detection of Trace Copper(II) Ions in Hepatoma Cell: A Strategy Using Click Chemistry, Analyst, 2011, 136, 3962.
23. Qihong Cai, Lifen Chen, Fang Luo, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin and Guonan Chen, Determination of trace amount of cocaine on the banknote through an aptamer-based electrocheluminesecence biosensor, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2011, 400, 289-294.
24. Fang Yang, Shifei Xia, Zhencai Liu, Jian Chen, Yonghui Lin, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, Analysis of Methylene Blue and Its Metabolites in Blood by Capillary Electrophoresis/Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Electrophoresis, 2011, 32, 659-664.
25. Huazhen Ye, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen, Fluorescence spectrometric study on the interaction of tamibarotene with bovine serum albumin, Luminescence, 2011, 26, 336-341.
26. Ruihong Ye, Lizhang Huang, Bin Qiu, Ziwang Song, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen, Cathodic electrochemiluminescent behavior of luminol at nafion/nano-TiO2 modified glassy carbon electrode, Luminescence, 2011, DOI 10.1002/bio.1265.
27. Zhenyu Lin, Xiaoping Chen, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen, “Electrochemiluminescence behavior of Ru(bpy)3 2+/carbofran system on an electrically heated microelectrode chip”, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2011,29(10): 2148-2152.
28. Xi Zhu, Zhenyu Lin*, Lifeng Chen, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen*, A Highly Sensitive and Selective “Signal-On” Electrochemiluminescent Biosensor for Mercury, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 3149-3151.
29. Zhenyu Lin, Lifeng Chen, Xi Zhu, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen*, Signal-on electrochemiluminescence biosensor for thrombin based on target-induced conjunction of split aptamer fragments, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 5563-5565.
30. Lifen Chen, Qihong Cai, Fang Luo, Xian Chen, Xi Zhu, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen, A sensitive aptasensor for adenosine based on the quenching of Ru-SNPs ECL by ferrocene, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 7751-7753.
31. Meihua Liu, Meijin Li, Bin Qiu, Xi Chen, Synthesis and applications of diethylstil bestrol-based molecularly imprinted polymer-coated hollow fiber tube, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2010, 663, 33-38.
32. Longhua Guo, Lingling Xue, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Donghwan Kim, Guonan Chen, Mechanism study on inhibited Ru(bpy)3 2+ electrochemiluminescence between co-reactants, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 12826-12832.
33. Xi Zhu, Zhenyu Lin*, Lifeng Chen, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen*, A Highly Sensitive and Selective “Signal-On” Electrochemiluminescent Biosensor for Mercury, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 3149-3151.
34. Zhenyu Lin, Lifeng Chen, Xi Zhu, Bin Qiu, Guonan Chen*, Signal-on electrochemiluminescence biosensor for thrombin based on target-induced conjunction of split aptamer fragments, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 5563-5565.
35. Lifen Chen, Qihong Cai, Fang Luo, Xian Chen, Xi Zhu, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen, A sensitive aptasensor for adenosine based on the quenching of Ru-SNPs ECL by ferrocene, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 7751-7753.
36. Longhua Guo, Lingling Xue, Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Donghwan Kim, Guonan Chen, Mechanism study on inhibited Ru(bpy)3 2+ electrochemiluminescence between co-reactants, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 12826-12832.
37. Bin Qiu, LonghuaGuo, Zhitao Chen,Yuwu Chi, Lan Zhang , Guonan Chen, Synthesis of N-4-butylamine acridone and its use as fluorescent probe for DNA, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24 (2009), 1281- 1285.
38. Bin Qiu, Xi Zhu, Yan Liu, Zhenyu Lin, Guonan Chen. Anodic electrochemi -luminescent behavior of lucigenin on MWNT/GCE. Electrochem Commun. 11 (2009) 254- 257.
39. Bin Qiu, Zhenyu Lin, Jian Wang, Zhihuang Chen, Jinhua Chen, Guonan Chen. An electrochemi luminescent biosensor for glucose based on the electrochemiluminescence of luminol on the nafion/ glucose oxidase/poly(nickel(II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrode. Talata.78 (2009) 76– 80
40. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Linlin Xue, Guonan Chen. Capillary electrophoresis electrochemiluminescence for determination of ruthenium chelates and its labeled analytes.
Electrophoresis, 30 (2009), 2390– 2396.
41.Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Mingxing Chen, Guonan Chen. A new method for preparation of an etched porous joint for capillary electrophoresis and its pore-size evaluation. Electrophoresis, 30 (2009), 1355-1361.
42. Longhua Guo, Bin Qiu, Xueyang Xiao, Guonan Chen, Applications of capillary electrophoresis and microchip capillary electrophoresis for detection of genetically modified organisms, Food Science and Biotechnology , 18 (2009), 823-832.




