
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

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2010年-至今:     德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名          先后担任讲师、副教授
2005年-2010年: 福州大学德州扑克平台   博士(硕博连读)   物理化学
2001年-2005年: 福州大学德州扑克平台   学士   化学


1、理论课 《物理化学》  


3、实验课 《物理化学实验》


       主要从事各类化合物气相团簇结构与其构效关系、簇模型在催化中的应用等方面的理论计算与模拟工作。工作主要基于第一性原理,借助高性能超级计算机群对目标团簇展开研究,希望能从原子水平揭示团簇特殊性质的结构基础与演变规律,理解团簇结构与功能的关联。作为项目负责人已主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,省教育厅项目一项、校科技发展基金若干,并参与过多项国家、省级科研项目。已在相关研究领域内发表SCI 收录论文18篇。







[1]. B. Wang, N. Wu, X.-B. Zhang, X. Huang, Y.-F. Zhang, W.-K. Chen and K.-N. Ding, Probing the Smallest Molecular Model of MoS2 Catalyst: S2 Units in the MoSn–/0 (n = 1–5) Clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 117, 5632-5641.

[2]. N. Wu, C.-F. Zhang, Q. Zhou, X. Huang, Y.-F. Zhang, K. N.-Ding and B. Wang,DFT Study on the Electronic and Structural Properties of MoS6/0 Clusters.Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2013, 32, 1046-1054.

[3]. L.-F. Wang, L. Xie, H.-L. Fang, Y.-F. Li, X.-B. Zhang, B. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, On the Structural and Electronic Properties of Hexanuclear Vanadium Oxide Clusters V6On–/0 (n = 12-15): Is V6O12 Cluster Planar or Cage-like? Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 131, 446-454.

[4]. S.-J. Lin, W.-C. Gong, L.-F. Wang, W.-B. Liu, B.-C. Zhao, B. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang,Group VB Transition Metal Oxide Clusters M4On/0 (M = Nb, Ta; n = 8–11): Structural Evolution and Chemical Bonding. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2014, 133, 1435.

[5]. Q. Zhou, W.-C. Gong, L. Xie, C-G. Zheng, W. Zhang, B. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, Theoretical Studies on the Electronic Structures and Photoelectron Spectra of Tri-rhenium Oxide Clusters: Re3On and Re3On (n = 1-6). Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 117, 651-657.

[6]. L. Xu, C.-J. Xia, L.-F. Wang, L. Xie, B. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, Structural Evolution, Sequential Oxidation and Chemical Bonding in Tri-yttrium Oxide Clusters:Y3Ox and Y3Ox (x = 0–6). RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 60270-60279.

[7]. H.-L. Fang, L. Xu, J. Li, B. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang, X. Huang, Catalytic Oxidation of CO by N2O on Neutral Y2MO5 (M = Y, Al) Clusters: A Density Functional Theory Study. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 76651-76659.

[8]. B. Wang, Q.-Q. Li, J.-F. Wang, X. Huang and Y.-F. Zhang, Structures and Chemical Bonding in NbSn 2//0 (n = 3–5) Clusters: Effects of Sulfur Content and Charge States. Journal of Cluster Science, 2016, 27, 387-401.

[9]. B. Wang, Q.-Q. Li, J.-F. Wang, X. Huang and Y.-F. Zhang, Electronic Structures and Chemical Bonding of NbS6/0 Clusters. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry., 2016, 35, 175-184.

[10]. J. Zhu, H. Zhang, L. Zhao, W. Xiong, X. Huang, B. Wang and Y.-F. Zhang,Properties of Two-dimensional Insulators: A DFT Study of Bimetallic Oxide CrW2O9 Clusters Adsorption on MgO Ultrathin Films. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 379, 213-222.

[11]. J. Zhu, H. Zhang, Y.-W. Tong, C. X. Wang, B. Wang, X. Huang and Y.-F. Zhang, Tuning the Charge States of CrW2O9 Clusters Deposited on Perfect and Defective MgO(001) Surfaces with Different Color Centers: A Comprehensive DFT Study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 144, 174706-174706.

[12]. B. Wang, J.-F. Wang, X.-F. Zhang, W.-J. Chen, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, Theoretical Investigations on the Structures and the Chemical Bonding of NbMoSn/0 (n37) Clusters. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2017, 75, 307-320.

[13]. X.-F. Zhang, X.-J. Liu, R.-N. Xu, N. Wu, X. Huang and B. Wang,Probing Diverse Disulfur Ligands in the Mo2Sn/0 (n = 48) Clusters: Structural Evolution and Chemical Bonding. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2018, 37, 497-516.

[14]. B. Wang, C.-J. Xia, H.-L. Fang, W.-J. Chen, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, Mononuclear Thorium Halide Clusters ThX4 (X = F, Cl): Gas-phase Hydrolysis Reactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20, 21184-21193.

[15]. B. Wang, L. Xie, X.-J. Liu, W.-J. Chen, Y.-F. Zhang and X. Huang, Structural Evolution and Chemical Bonding of Di-niobium Boride Clusters Nb2Bx–/0 (x = 1–6): Hexagonal Bipyramid Nb2B6−/0 Species. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 2018, 940-950.

[16]. W.-J. Chen, R.-N. Xu, W. Lin, X. Sun, B. Wang, Q.-H. Wu and X. Huang, DFT Studies on Ni-Mediated C–F Cleavage for the Synthesis of Cyclopentadiene Derivatives. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, 319.

[17]. B. Wang, S.-Y. Zhang, Q.-Q. Li, X.-F. Zhang, X. Huang and W.-J. Chen,Structural Evolution and Chemical Bonding in Bi-nuclear Niobium Sulfide Clusters: Nb2Sn−/0 (n = 4–7). Journal of Cluster Science, 2019, 30, 735-746.

[18]. C.-J. Xia, L.-F. Wang, X. Huang and B. Wang,DFT Studies on the Stoichiometric Thorium Oxide Clusters (ThO2)n (n = 15): Electronic and Structural Properties. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2019, 38, 1053-1068.

[19]. B. Wang, S.-Y. Zhang, L.-H. Ye, X.-F. Zhang, Y.-F. Zhang, and W-J. Chen, Exploring the Reaction Mechanism of H2S Decomposition with MS3 (M = Mo, W) Clusters. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 13324−13332.



 2017年 福州大学第十八届青年教师“最佳一节课”竞赛三等奖;


