
日期:2021-12-30 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

姓名: 汤禹

职称: 副教授
学历: 博士
专业: 物理化学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 多相催化,原位表征技术,单原子催化,甲烷转化生物质转化


2019–至今,德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 ,副教授,博士生导师,独立PI









近年来发表科研论文100余篇,其中以第一作者、共同第一作者或通讯作者的身份在Nature Catalysis, Nature Energy, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., Chem. Soc. Rev., Nano Lett., ACS Catal., J. Catal. 等杂志上发表论文,成果多次被美国化学会C&EN报道。论文被引用超过4400次,H-index为30。

ORCID: ORCID iD icon//orcid.org/0000-0001-9435-9310

Homepage: //www.x-mol.com/groups/yutang/publications


  • 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,主持,2025-2028,在研

  • 国家自然科学基金,青年基金,主持,2020-2022,结题

  • 国家自然科学基金,联合基金(重点),参与方负责人,2020-2023,结题

  • 福建省自然科学基金,面上项目,主持,2020-2023,结题

  • 福州大学“旗山学者”(海外项目),科研启动,主持,2020-2024,结题


  Full publication list avaliable at homepage: //www.x-mol.com/groups/yutang/publications

1) Yuanjie Xu, Zemin An, Yu Tang*. Recent progress in exploring heterogeneous catalyst surface chemistry with near ambient pressure XPS, Science China Chemistry, 2025

2) Yu Tang╪, George Yan╪, Shiran Zhang╪, Yuting Li, Luan Nguyen, Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Tomohiro Sakata, Christopher Andolina, Judith C Yang, Philippe Sautet*, Franklin Feng Tao*. Turning on Low-Temperature Catalytic Conversion of Biomass Derivatives through Teaming Pd1 and Mo1 Single-Atom Sites, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146 (47), 32366-32382.

3) Yu Tang, Xupeng Zong, Luan Nguyen, Franklin Tao*. Single-Atom Catalyst Restructuring during Catalytic Reforming of CH4 by CO2, ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14 (24), 18679-18689.

4) Y. Xu, J. Yao, H. Lin, Q. Lv, B. Liu, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Dai, X. Zong, Y. Tang*, Functional CeOx Stabilized Metallic Ni Catalyst Supported on Boron Nitride for Durable Partial Oxidation of Methane to Syngas at High Temperature, ACS Catalysis, 14 (2024) 11845-11856.

5) B Liu, C Xiang, J Yang, P Sun, Y Yang, Y Xu, K Liu, L Wu, L Tan, Y Tang*, The promoting role of carbon monoxide in mild conversion of methane to acetic acid on atomically dispersed Ir catalyst anchored in ZSM-5, Journal of Catalysis,438 (2024) 115683

6) P. Wang, R. Chen, H. Liao, H. Lin, Y. Xu, B. Liu, X. Zong, Y. Dai, L. Wu, L. Tan, Z. Xie, Y. Tang*, Zinc cations incorporated in Silicalite-1 zeolite assist in anchoring atomically dispersed platinum catalyst for boosted and robust propane dehydrogenation, Journal of Catalysis, (2024) 115647.

7) Y. Xu, R. Chen, H. Lin, Q. Lv, B. Liu, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Dai, X. Zong, Y. Tang*, Constructing the Ni-O-Ce interface to enhance the activity and stability for partial oxidation of methane to syngas under high temperatures, Journal of Catalysis, (2024) 115545.

8) H Guo, Y Chen, J Yang, L Wu, L Tan, G Yang, Y Tang*, N Tsubaki*, X Gu*, Water treatment induced formation of surface oxide layers of Pd/α-MoC catalyst to enhance the selective hydrodeoxygenation of vanillin, Chemical Engineering Journal, 493 (2024) 152507

9) K. Xu, L. Weng, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Tang*, Hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanone catalyzed by isolated Pd cations in the micropores of zeolite, Applied Catalysis O: Open, 193 (2024) 206977.

10) K. Xu, Y. Chen, H. Yang, Y. Gan, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Dai, Y. Tang*, Partial hydrogenation of anisole to cyclohexanone in water medium catalyzed by atomically dispersed Pd anchored in the micropores of zeolite, Applied Catalysis B-Environment and Energy, 341 (2024) 123244.

11) H. Guo, J. Zhao, Y. Chen, X. Lu, Y. Yang, C. Ding, L. Wu, L. Tan, J. Long, G. Yang, Y. Tang*, N. Tsubaki*, X. Gu*, Mechanistic Insights into Hydrodeoxygenation of Lignin Derivatives over Ni Single Atoms Supported on Mo2C, ACS Catalysis, 14 (2024) 703-717.

12) Y. Chen, H. Guo*, J. Yang, K. Xu, X. Lu, Y. Yang, H. Lin, L. Wu, L. Tan, G. Yang, N. Tsubaki*, X. Gu, Y. Tang*, Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-dimethylfuran over Pd-Co bimetallic catalysts supported on MoCx, Fuel, 361 (2024) 130682.

13) Z. An, N. Ma, Y. Xu, H. Yang, H. Zhao, L. Wu, L. Tan, C. Zou, F. Meng, B. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. Tang*, Shape dependency of CO2 hydrogenation on ceria supported singly dispersed Ru catalysts, Journal of Catalysis, 429 (2024) 115245.

14) S. Zhang, X. Liu, H. Lin, R. Chen, Y. Chen, Y. Xu, K. Xu, H. Zhao, L. Tan, L. Wu, Y. Tang*, Unveiling the in-situ formation of single-atomically dispersed Pd-Fe bimetallic catalytic sites during anisole hydrodeoxygenation, Molecular Catalysis, 547 (2023) 113401.

15) H. Yang, Z. Zhang, Y. He, P. Wang, Z. Ren, L. Wu*, Y. Tang*, L. Tan*, Study of Ni Catalysts with Different Al2O3 Supports in the Partial Oxidation of Methane Reaction, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62 (2023) 12120-12132.

16) H. Yang, Z. An, Y. Xu, L. Wu*, L. Tan*, Y. Tang*, Oscillatory behavior of Ni/TiO2 catalyst during partial oxidation of methane: Understanding the role of strong metal-support interaction, Molecular Catalysis, 547 (2023) 113374.

17) Y. Xu, Z. An, X. Yu, J. Yao, Q. Lv, H. Yang, Z. Lv, H. Guo, Q. Jiang, W. Liu, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Dai, Y. Tang*, Enhanced catalytic stability and structural evolution of Rh-BN interface in dry reforming of methane under intensified CO2 partial pressure, Journal of Catalysis, 427 (2023) 115094.

18) P. Wang, M. Yang, H. Liao, K. Xu, X. Zong, Z. Xie, H. Zhao, Y. Xu, H. Yang, Y. Gan, Y. Fang, L. Wu, Y. Tang*, L. Tan*, Restructured zeolites anchoring singly dispersed bimetallic platinum and zinc catalysts for propane dehydrogenation, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4 (2023) 101311.

19) Y. Tang, L. Nguyen, Y. Li, F. Tao*, In situ and operando study of catalysts during high-temperature high-pressure catalysis in a fixed-bed plug flow reactor with X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments, 94 (2023) 054102.

20) A.A. Opalade, Y. Tang*, F. Tao*, Integrated in situ spectroscopic studies on syngas production from partial oxidation of methane catalyzed by atomically dispersed rhodium cations on ceria, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25 (2023) 4070-4080.

21) Y. Li╪, Y. Tang╪, F. Tao*, C-N Coupling through Hydroaminoalkylation on a Single-Atom Rh Heterogeneous Catalyst, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 62 (2023) 202214332.

22) H. Guo, X. Lu, Y. Yang, J. Wei, L. Wu, L. Tan, Y. Tang*, X. Gu*, Harvesting alkyl phenols from lignin monomers via selective hydrodeoxygenation under ambient pressure on Pd/α-MoC catalysts, Molecular Catalysis, 540 (2023) 113041.

23) H. Yang, R. Yu, Y. Fang, J. Yao, Y. Gan, J. Chen, H. Deng, X. Gao, X. Zong, J. Wang, L. Wu, L. Tan*, Y. Tang*, Singly dispersed Ir1Ti3 bimetallic site for partial oxidation of methane at high temperature, Applied Surface Science, 599 (2022) 153863.

24) G. Yan╪, Y. Tang╪, Y. Li╪, Y. Li, L. Nguyen, T. Sakata, K. Higashi, F.F. Tao*, P. Sautet*, Reaction product-driven restructuring and assisted stabilization of a highly dispersed Rh-on-ceria catalyst, Nature Catalysis, 5 (2022) 119-127.

25) P. Wang, J. Yao, Q. Jiang, X. Gao, D. Lin, H. Yang, L. Wu, Y. Tang*, L. Tan*, Stabilizing the isolated Pt sites on PtGa/Al2O3 catalyst via silica coating layers for propane dehydrogenation at low temperature, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 300 (2022) 120731.

26) Y. Tang*, Y. Li, F. Tao*, Activation and catalytic transformation of methane under mild conditions, Chemical Society Reviews, 51 (2022) 376-423.

27) X. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Zhao, H. Lin, K. Xu, Y. Xu, L. Tan, L. Wu, Y. Tang*, In-situ studies on the synergistic effect of Pd-Mo bimetallic catalyst for anisole hydrodeoxygenation, Molecular Catalysis, 530 (2022) 112591.

28) H. Lin, P. Sun, Y. Xu, X. Zong, H. Yang, X. Liu, H. Zhao, L. Tan, L. Wu, Y. Tang*, Enhanced selective cleavage of aryl C-O bond by atomically dispersed Pt on α-MoC for hydrodeoxygenation of anisole, Molecular Catalysis, 531 (2022) 112652.

29) L. Wu*, Z. Ren, Y. He, M. Yang, Y. Yu, Y. Liu, L. Tan, Y. Tang*, Atomically Dispersed Co2+ Sites Incorporated into a Silicalite-1 Zeolite Framework as a High-Performance and Coking-Resistant Catalyst for Propane Nonoxidative Dehydrogenation to Propylene, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 (2021) 48934-48948.

30) Y. Tang╪, V. Fung╪, X. Zhang╪, Y. Li, L. Nguyen, T. Sakata, K. Higashi, D.-e. Jiang, F.F. Tao, Single-Atom High-Temperature Catalysis on a Rh1O5 Cluster for Production of Syngas from Methane, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143 (2021) 16566-16579.

31) R. Li*, Z. Liu, Q.T. Trinh, Z. Miao, S. Chen, K. Qian, R.J. Wong, S. Xi, Y. Yan, A. Borgna, S. Liang, T. Wei, Y. Dai, P. Wang, Y. Tang*, X. Yan, T.S. Choksi*, W. Liu*, Strong Metal-Support Interaction for 2D Materials: Application in Noble Metal/TiB2 Heterointerfaces and their Enhanced Catalytic Performance for Formic Acid Dehydrogenation, Advanced Materials, 33 (2021) 202101536.

32) Y. Tang╪, S. Zhang╪, T.B. Rawal╪, L. Nguyen╪, Y. Iwasawa, S.R. Acharya, J. Liu, S. Hong, T.S. Rahman, F. Tao, Atomic-Scale Structure and Catalysis on Positively Charged Bimetallic Sites for Generation of H2, Nano Letters, 20 (2020) 6255-6262.

33) Y. Tang╪, Y. Wei╪, Z. Wang╪, S. Zhang, Y. Li, L. Nguyen, Y. Li, Y. Zhou, W. Shen, F.F. Tao, P. Hu, Synergy of Single-Atom Ni1 and Ru1 Sites on CeO2 for Dry Reforming of CH4, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (2019) 7283-7293.

34) Y. Chen╪, B. deGlee╪, Y. Tang╪, Z. Wang, B. Zhao, Y. Wei, L. Zhang, S. Yoo, K. Pei, J.H. Kim, Y. Ding, P. Hu, F.F. Tao, M. Liu, A robust fuel cell operated on nearly dry methane at 500 degrees C enabled by synergistic thermal catalysis and electrocatalysis, Nature Energy, 3 (2018) 1042-1050.

35) Y. Tang, L. Ma, J. Dou, C.M. Andolina, Y. Li, H. Ma, S.D. House, X. Zhang, J. Yang, F. Tao, Transition of surface phase of cobalt oxide during CO oxidation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018) 6440-6449.

36) Y. Tang╪, Y. Li╪, V. Fung╪, D.-e. Jiang, W. Huang, S. Zhang, Y. Iwasawa, T. Sakata, N. Luan, X. Zhang, A.I. Frenkel, F. Tao, Single rhodium atoms anchored in micropores for efficient transformation of methane under mild conditions, Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 1231.

37) F. Tao*, Y. Tang*, HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS More than skimming the surface, Nature Chemistry, 8 (2016) 902-903.

38) Y. Tang, N. Luan, Y. Li, N. Wang, F. Tao, Surface of a catalyst in a gas phase, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 12 (2016) 52-61.

39) Y. Tang╪, S. Xu╪, Y. Dai, X. Yan, R. Li, L. Xiao, J. Fan, Solid phase metallurgy strategy to sub-5 nm Au-Pd and Ni-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles with controlled redox properties, Chemical Communications, 50 (2014) 213-215.


[1] F. Tao; Y. Tang ; Springer Handbook of Advanced Catalyst Characterization,Springer Nature, 2023, Chapter 17.


  • 《Catalysis Communications》,青年编委(2022-2024),客座编辑(2023-2024)

  • 《Applied Catalysis O: Open》,青年编委(2024-至今)


[1] 汤禹,徐开阳,安泽民,单原子钯/分子筛催化剂及其制备与在生物质分子选择性加氢制备酮中的应用,专利授权,专利号:ZL 2021103280343,授权号:CN113019435B


  • 2019年-至今,结构化学,化学基地班

  • 2021年-至今,材料物理化学,研究生课程

  • 2023年-至今,功能材料研究进展,研究生课程


  • 欢迎具有化学、应用化学、化学工程等相关专业背景的同学报考研究生

  • 2024年硕士招生专业:物理化学,应用化学,材料化学,材料工程(专硕);2025年博士计划招生专业:物理化学。

  • 欢迎本科生同学参与科研训练项目(SRTP),科研训练与毕业设计。
