
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:
姓    名: 姜蓉
性    别:


职    称: 副教授
学    历: 博士
职    务:
电    话: 15859190877
专    业: 物理化学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 胶体与界面化学\两亲分子自组装\大分子与两亲分子相互作用\凝胶材料及应用



2001?2006 从事Gemini表面活性剂及其复配体系水溶液性质、二元表面活性剂协同效应研究。其间作为骨干参与国家基金(20173010和20673021)、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20050386007)和福建省自然科学基金(E0510005)等项目研究工作。
2006?今 从事Gemini表面活性剂及其复配体系水溶液性质、二元表面活性剂协同效应、Gemini表面活性剂光敏功能修饰及光控分子有序组合体、大分子与两亲分子相互作用等研究工作。其间主持福建省青年人才创新基金(2008F3058)、福州大学育苗基金(2008-XY-5)和福州大学人才基金(XRC-0639),并作为骨干参与国家基金(20873024)研究工作。共发表论文20余篇。


1. 福建省青年人才创新基金(2008F3058)
2. 福州大学育苗基金(2008-XY-5)
3. 福州大学人才基金(XRC-0639)

1. Rong Jiang, Jianxi Zhao, Xiaoming Hu, Xiaomei Pei, Lixiang Zhang, “Rich aggregate morphologies induced by organic salts in aqueous solution of a cationic gemini surfactant with a short spacer” J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2009, 340, 98-103.
2. Rong Jiang, Yixiong Huang, Jianxi Zhao, Changcang Huang, “Aqueous two-phase system of an anionic gemini surfactant and a cationic conventional surfactant mixture” Fluid Phase Equilibria 2009, 277, 114-120.
3. Rong Jiang,Yixiong Huang,Jianxi Zhao,Changcang Huang, “Transformation of Vesicles in Aqueous Two-Phase System of An Anionic Gemini Surfactant and A Cationic Conventional Surfactant Mixture” Chinese J. Chem. 2008, 26, 635-639.
4. Rong Jiang, Jianxi Zhao, Yanhua Ma, “Dynamic adsorption of opposite-charged Gemini surfactant mixture at air/water interface” Colloid Surface A, 2006, 289, 233-236.
5. Jianxi Zhao, Xinfu Yang, Rong Jiang, Yanhua Ma, Jingjing Cao. “Adsorption Layer Structure Formation at the Air/Water interface in Aqueous Mixtures of an Anionic Carboxylate Gemini and a Cationic Surfactant”Colloid Surface A, 2006, 275, 142-147.
6. Rong Jiang, Yanhua Ma, Jianxi Zhao, “Adsorption dynamics of binary mixture of Gemini surfactant and opposite-charged conventional surfactant in aqueous solution” J. Colloid Interface Sci. 297 (2006) 412–418
7. Yi You, Rong Jiang, Tingting Ling, Jianxi Zhao, “Bending of the Flexible Spacer Chain of Gemini Surfactant Induced by Hydrophobic Interaction” Chinese J. Chem. 2009, 27, 469-471.
8. Cuiying Lin, Jianxi Zhao, Rong Jiang, “Nile Red Probing for the Micelle-to-Vesicle Transition of AOT in Aqueous Solution” Chem.Phys. Lett. 2008, 464, 77-81.
9. Yi You, Jianxi Zhao, Rong Jiang, Jingjing Cao, “Strong effect of NaBr on self-assembly of quaternary ammonium gemini surfactants at air/water interface and in aqueous solution studied by surface tension and fluorescence techniques” Colloid Polym Sci. 2009, 287, 839–846.
10. Jianxi Zhao, Jinyan Liu, Rong Jiang, “Interaction between anionic and cationic gemini surfactants at air/water interface and in aqueous bulk solution” Colloid Surface A 2009, 350, 141–146.
11. Binglei Song, Jianxi Zhao, Beixi Wang, Rong Jiang, “Synthesis and self-assembly of new light-sensitive Gemini surfactants containing an azobenzene group” Colloid Surface A 352 (2009) 24–30.

