
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:

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2006.09-2010.06 福州大学德州扑克平台 ,制药工程专业,学士

2010.09-2015.06 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 ,生物化工专业,博士(导师:黄剑东研究员)

2015.10-2018.11 韩国梨花女子大学化学与纳米科德州扑克平台 ,博士后(合作导师:Juyoung Yoon)

2018.12-2019.05 加拿大多伦多大学药德州扑克平台 ,博士后(合作导师:Shana O. Kelley)

2019.09-2020.02 韩国梨花女子大学化学与纳米科德州扑克平台 ,博士后(合作导师:Juyoung Yoon)

2020.05-至今 德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 ,闽江学者特聘教授







李兴淑,国家优秀青年基金获得者,入围2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。主要从事基于功能染料分子构建具有疾病治疗与成像检测功能的超分子光敏剂和纳米诊疗剂,研究内容涉及到化学、光子学、生物学和医学等多个学科的交叉领域。迄今,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇,包括Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol.,Chem. Soc. Rev.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.(3篇),Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(5篇),Adv. Mater.(2篇),Adv. Funct. Mater.,ACS Nano(3篇),Coord. Chem. Rev.(3篇),Biomaterials(2篇),Theranostics(2篇),Chem. Sci.(4篇)等。发表论文总被引用超过8000,其中12篇入选ESI高被引论文,单篇最高被引用超过2000,H因子31,另有1篇被评为热点文章、1篇被选为当期期刊封面文章以及1篇成为top 10%被下载文章。


福建省肿瘤转移药物干预重点实验室副主任、福建省免疫学会免疫与转化专业委员会第一届委员会常务委员、德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名 学位评定委员会成员、福州大学生物化工专业博士学位点负责人







[47] Y. Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, Y. Xu, Z. Chen, B. Hwang, H. Kim, H. Liu, X. Li,* J. Yoon*. A renal clearable nano-assembly with Förster Resonance Energy Transfer amplified superoxide radical and heat generation to overcome hypoxia resistance in phototherapeutics.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, //doi.org/10.1002/anie.202411514

[46] L. Li, J. Wen, X. Zhang, S. Fu, Z. Chen, K. Huang, L. Fang, T. Zhao, P. Zhang,X. Li*. A near-infrared naphthalocyanine photosensitizer with superior light absorption and renal clearance for type-I photodynamic and photothermal combination therapy.Chinese Chem. Lett., 2024,//doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2024.110290

[45] W. Xie, J. Chen, Y. Zhang, B. Zheng,X. Li,*J. D. Huang*. Copper iodine cluster nanoparticles for tumor-targeted X-ray-induced photodynamic therapy.Sci. China Mater., 2024, //doi.org/10.1007/s40843-024-2958-1

[44] F. Tang, Y. Huang, H. Yu, X. Zhao, Z. Chen, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, X. Li,*J. Yoon,* J. D. Huang*. Phthalocyanine J-aggregate nanoparticles with enormous-redshifted and intense absorption: Potential structure-J-aggregation relationships and application in tumor-associated macrophages-targeted phototheranostics.Chem. Eng. J., 2024, 496, 154272.

[43] L. Li, Y. Liao, S. Fu, Z. Chen, T. Zhao, L. Fang,X. Li*. Efficient hydroxyl radical generation of an activatable phthalocyanine photosensitizer: oligomer higher than monomer and nanoaggregate.Chem. Sci., 2024, Advance Article. //doi.org/10.1039/D4SC02179G

[42] S. Fu, Z. Chen, L. Li, Y. Wu, Y. Liao,X. Li*. Redox-activated photosensitizers for visualizing precise diagnosis and potentiating cancer therapy.Coord. Chem. Rev., 2024,507,215734.

[41] Y. Y. Zhao, X. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y. Xu, H. Kim, H. Jeong, Y. R. Lee, J. Lee,X. Li*, J. Yoon*. Supramolecular phthalocyanine assemblies-enhanced synergistic photodynamic and photothermal therapy guided by photoacoustic imaging.Aggregate, 2024, 5, e514.

[40] Y. Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, L. Zhang, X. W. Qin, H. Liu, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, J. D. Huang*,X. Li*. A self-degradable nanostructured phthalocyanine assembly with high photothermal efficacy to enhanced biosecurity in photothermal therapy.Chem. Eng. J.,2023, 474, 145921.

[39] L. Zhang, Y. Y. Zhao, Z. X. Chen, Y. T. Cheng, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. Synthesis, characterization and photodynamic antitumor activity of amine-modified zinc (II) phthalocyanines.Dyes Pigm., 2023, 218, 111490.

[38]X. Li, J. S. Oh, Y. Lee, E. C. Lee, M. Yang, N. Kwon, T. W. Ha, D. Y. Hong, Y. Song, H. Kyu Kim, B. H. Song, S. Choi*, M. R. Lee*, J. Yoon*. Albumin-binding photosensitizer capable of targeting glioma via the SPARC pathway.Biomater. Res., 2023, 27, 23.

[37] Z. Chen, Y. Y. Zhao, L. Li, Z. Li, S. Fu, Y. Xu, B. Y. Zheng, M. Ke,X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. A sulfur-bridging sulfonate-modified zinc(II) phthalocyanine nanoliposome possessing hybrid type I and type II photoreactions with efficient photodynamic anticancer effects.Molecules, 2023, 28, 2250.

[36] H. Liu, X. Y. Li,X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. Nanostructured self-assemblies of photosensitive dyes: Green and efficient theranostic approaches.Green Chemical Engineering, 2022,//doi.org/10.1016/j.gce.2022.06.006

[35] H. Liu, L. L. Lv, H. Wen, D. M. Zhao, J. Wu, M. R. Ke, B. Y. Zheng, J. Li,X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. Molecular and supramolecular approach to highly photocytotoxic phthalocyanines with dual cell uptake pathways and albumin-enhanced tumor targeting.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 28581-28590.

[34] N. Kwon, K. H Kim, S. Park, Y. Cho, E. Y. Park, J. Lim, S. Çetindere, S. O. Tümay, W. J. Kim,X. Li*, K. T. Nam*, C. Kim*, S. Yeşilot*, J. Yoon*. Hexa-BODIPY-cyclotriphosphazene based nanoparticle for NIR fluorescence/photoacoustic dual-modal imaging and photothermal cancer therapy.Biosens. Bioelectron., 2022, 216, 114612.

[33] M. Yang, Z. Özdemir, H. Kim, S. Nah, E. Andris,X. Li*, Z. Wimmer*, J. Yoon*. Acid-responsive nanoporphyrin evolution for near-infrared fluorescence-guided photo-ablation of biofilm.Adv. Healthc. Mater., 2022, 11, 2200529.

[32] R. Wang, K. H. Kim, J. Yoo,X. Li*, N. Kwon, Y. H. Jeon, S. K. Shin, S. S. Han, D. S. Lee*, J. Yoon*. A Nanostructured phthalocyanine/albumin supramolecular assembly for fluorescence turn-on imaging and photodynamic immunotherapy.ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 3045-3058.

[31] R. Wang, D. Kim, M. Yang,X. Li*, J. Yoon*. Phthalocyanine-assembled “one-for-two” nanoparticles for combined photodynamic-photothermal therapy of multidrug-resistant bacteria.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 7609-7616.

[30] Y. Zhao, L. Zhang, Z. Chen, B. Y. Zheng, M. Ke,X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. Nanostructured phthalocyanine assemblies with efficient synergistic effect of type I photoreaction and photothermal action to overcome tumor hypoxia in photodynamic therapy.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 13980-13989.

[29] R. Wang,X. Li*, J. Yoon*. Organelle-targeted photosensitizers for precision photodynamic therapy.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 19543-19571.

[28] M. Yang,X. Li*, J. Yoon*. Activatable supramolecular photosensitizers: Advanced design strategies.Mater. Chem. Front., 2021, 5, 1683-1693.

[27] Y. Zhao, J. Y. Chen, J. Q. Hu, L. Zhang, A. L. Lin, R. Wang, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke,X. Li*, J. D. Huang*. The substituted zinc(II) phthalocyanines using “sulfur bridge” as the linkages. Synthesis, red-shifted spectroscopic properties and structure-inherent targeted photodynamic activities.Dyes Pigm., 2021, 189, 109270.

[26] Z. Özdemir, M. Yang, G. Kim, U. Bildziukevich, D. Šaman,X. Li*, J. Yoon*, Z. Wimmer*. Redox-responsive nanoparticles self-assembled from porphyrin-betulinic acid conjugates for chemo- and photodynamic therapy.Dyes Pigm., 2021, 190, 109307.

[25] N. Kwon, H. Kim,X. Li*, J. Yoon*. Supramolecular agents for combination of photodynamic therapy and other treatments.Chem. Sci.2021, 12, 7248-7268.

[24]X. Li, Y. H. Jeong, N. Kwon, J. G. Park, G. Tian, H. R. Kim, J. D. Huang*, D. S. Lee*, J. Yoon*. In vivo-assembled phthalocyanine/albumin supramolecular complexes combined with a hypoxia-activated prodrug for enhanced photodynamic immunotherapy of cancer.Biomaterials, 2021, 266, 120430.

[23] B. D. Zheng, Q. X. He,X. Li*, J. Yoon*, J. D. Huang*. Phthalocyanines as contrast agents for photothermal therapy.Coord. Chem. Rev., 2021, 426, 213548.

[22]X. Li, J. F. Lovell*, J. Yoon*, X. Chen*. Clinical development and potential of photothermal and photodynamic therapies for cancer.Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol., 2020, 17, 657-674.

[21] E. Lee,X. Li*, J. Oh, N. Kwon, G. Kim, D. Kim*, J. Yoon*. A boronic acid-functionalized phthalocyanine with an aggregation-enhanced photodynamic effect for combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 5735.

[20]X. Li, E. Y. Park, Y. Kang, N. Kwon, M. Yang, S. Lee, W. J. Kim*, C. Kim*, J. Yoon*. Supramolecular phthalocyanine assemblies for improved photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 8630-8634.

[19] Z. H. Yu,X. Li, F. Xu, X. L. Hu, J. Yan, N. Kwon, G. R. Chen, T. Tang, X. Dong, Y. Mai*, D. Chen*, J. Yoon*, X. P. He*, H. Tian. A supramolecular-based dual-wavelength phototherapeutic agent with broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against drug resistant bacteria.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020, 59, 3658-3664.

[18]X. Li, K. Jeong, Y. Lee, T. Guo, D. Lee, J. Park, N. Kwon, J. H. Na, S. K. Hong, S. S. Cha, J. D. Huang*, S. Choi*, S. Kim*, J. Yoon*. Water-soluble phthalocyanines selectively bind to albumin dimers: a green approach toward enhancing tumor-targeted photodynamic therapy.Theranostics, 2019, 9, 6412-6423.

[17]X. Li, H. Fan, T. Guo, H. Bai, N. Kwon, K. H. Kim, S. Yu, Y. Cho, H. Kim, K. T. Nam*, J. Yoon*, X. B. Zhang*, W. Tan. A sequential protein-responsive nanophotosensitizer complex for enhancing tumor-specific therapy.ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 6702-6710.

[16]X. Li, S. Yu, Y. Lee, T. Guo, N. Kwon, D. Lee, S. C. Yeom, Y. Cho, G. Kim, J. D. Huang*, S. Choi*, K. T. Nam*, J. Yoon*.In vivoalbumin traps photosensitizer monomers from self-assembled phthalocyanine nanovesicles: A facile and switchable theranostic approach.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 1366-1372.

[15]X. Li, H. Bai, Y. Yang, J. Yoon*, S. Wang*, X. Zhang*. Supramolecular antibacterial materials for combatting antibiotic resistance.Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1805092.

[14]X. Li, B. D. Zheng, X. H. Peng, S. Z. Li, J. W. Ying, Y. Zhao, J. D. Huang*, J. Yoon*. Phthalocyanines as medicinal photosensitizers: developments in the last five years.Coord. Chem. Rev., 2019,379,147-160.

[13]X. Li, C. y. Kim, J. M. Shin, D. Lee, G. Kim, H. M. Chung*, K. S. Hong*, J. Yoon*. Mesenchymal stem cell-driven activatable photosensitizers for precision photodynamic oncotherapy.Biomaterials, 2018, 187, 18-26.

[12]X. Li, D. Lee, J. D. Huang*, J. Yoon*. Phthalocyanine-assembled nanodots as photosensitizers for highly efficient type I photoreactions in photodynamic therapy.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 9885-9890.

[11]X. Li*, N. Kwon, T. Guo, Z. Liu*, J. Yoon*. Innovative strategies for hypoxic-tumor photodynamic therapy.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 11522-11531.

[10]X. Li*, S. Lee, J. Yoon*. Supramolecular photosensitizers rejuvenate photodynamic therapy.Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, 47, 1174-1188.

[9]X. Li, X. H. Peng, B. D. Zheng, J. Tang, Y. Zhao, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, J. D. Huang*. New application of phthalocyanine molecules: from photodynamic therapy to photothermal therapy by means of structural regulation rather than formation of aggregates.Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 2098-2104.

[8]X. Li, S. Yu, D. Lee, G. Kim, B. Lee, Y. Cho, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, J. D. Huang*, K. T. Nam*, X. Chen*, J. Yoon*. Facile supramolecular approach to nucleic-acid-driven activatable nanotheranostics that overcome drawbacks of photodynamic therapy.ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 681-688.

[7]X. Li, C. y. Kim, S. Lee, D. Lee, H. M. Chung, G. Kim, S. H. Heo, C. Kim*, K. S. Hong*, J. Yoon*. Nanostructured phthalocyanine assemblies with protein-driven switchable photoactivities for biophotonic imaging and therapy.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 10880-10886.

[6]X. Li, J. Kim, J. Yoon*, X. Chen*. Cancer-associated, stimuli-driven, turn on theranostics for multimodality imaging and therapy.Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 1606857.

[5]X. Li, S. Kolemen, J. Yoon*, E. U. Akkaya*. Activatable photosensitizers: agents for selective photodynamic therapy.Adv. Funct. Mater., 2017, 27, 1604053.

[4]X. Li, B. Y. Zheng, M. R. Ke, Y. Zhang, J. D. Huang*, J. Yoon*. A tumor-pH-responsive supramolecular photosensitizer for activatable photodynamic therapy with minimalin vivoskin phototoxicity.Theranostics, 2017, 7, 2746-2756.

[3]X. S. Li, M. R. Ke, M. F. Zhang, Q. Q. Tang, B. Y. Zheng, J. D. Huang*. A non-aggregated and tumour-associated macrophage-targeted photosensitiser for photodynamic therapy: a novel zinc(II) phthalocyanine containing octa-sulphonates.Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 4704-4707.

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2013年被评为福州大学优秀学生干部(连续两届担任德州扑克平台 研究生会主席)

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