
日期:2022-04-11 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:


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[email protected]






2021.08— 至今       德州扑克平台-德州扑克平台排名  

2017.08—2021.06    清华大学,材料科学与工程,博士,导师:于荣 教授 

2013.09—2016.06    北京科技大学,物理学,硕士,导师:孟凡研 教授 






 国家自然科学基金青年项目,氧化铜表面与界面的原子结构与催化特性,2023/01-2025/1230 万元,在研,主持。


1. W.D. Xing, H.Z. Sha, F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Stabilization of the (111) surface of NiO and CoO by segregation of point defects, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2022, 582, 152473.

2. S.K. Xue, W.Q. Huang, W. Lin, W.D. Xing, M. Shen, X.Y. Ye, X.C. Liang, C. Yang, Y.D. Hou, Z.Y. Yu*, X.C. Wang*, Interfacial engineering of lattice coherency at ZnO-ZnS photocatalytic heterojunctions, Chem Catal. 2022, 2, 125-139.

3. X.Y. Ye, C.G. Wei, S.K. Xue, W.D. Xing, X.C. Liang, H.B. Nie, M. Shen, Y. Du, J.S. Zhang, X.C. Wang, W. Lin*, Z.Y. Yu*, Atomistic Observation of Temperature-Dependent Defect Evolution within Sub-stoichiometric WO3-x Catalysts, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2022, 14, 2194-2201.

4. W.D. Xing, Y. Zhang, J.Z. Cui, S.Y. Liang, F.Y. Meng*, J. Zhu, R. Yu*, Atomic structures of twin boundaries in CoO, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 25590-25596.

5. W.D. Xing#, H.Z. Sha#, (共同一作) F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Defect structures of the Cr2O3(11-20) surface: effect of electron beam irradiation, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 6324-6331.

6. W.D. Xing, F.Y. Meng*, J.L. Ning, J.W. Sun, R. Yu*, Comparative first-principles study of elastic constants of covalent and ionic materials with LDA, GGA, and meta-GGA functionals and the prediction of mechanical hardness, Sci. China Tech. Sci., 2021, 64, 2755-2761.

7. W.D. Xing, F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Atomic Structure of the Cu2O(111) Surface: A Transmission Electron Microscopy and DFT+U Study, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2021, 258, 2100185.

8. T.Q. Zhang, W.D. Xing, F.G. Chen, S.S. Liu, L.T. Zhang, R. Yu*, Microstructure and Phase Evolution Mechanism in Hot-pressed and Hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B Magnets with Nd85Cu15 Addition, Acta Mater., 2021, 204,116493.

9. T.Q. Zhang, W.D. Xing, F.G. Chen, L.T. Zhang, R. Yu*, Improvement of coercivity and its thermal stability of hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets processed by Tb70Cu30 doping and subsequent Nd85Cu15 diffusion, Acta Mater., 2021, 220,117296.

10. T.Q. Zhang#, W.D. Xing#, (共同一作) F.G. Chen, L.T. Zhang, R. Yu*, Structure and energy of the (101) twin boundary in hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets, Mater. Character., 2021, 179, 111380.

11. W.D. Xing, R. Yu*, Atomic structures of high Miller index surfaces of NiO, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 14164-14171.

12. W.D. Xing, Y. Zhang, J. Zhu, R. Yu*, Structural and spin state transition in the polar NiO(111) surface, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2020, 532, 147427.

13. W.D. Xing, Z.J. Wei, F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Prediction of stable high-pressure structures of tantalum nitride TaN2, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2019, 35, 2297-2304.

14. Y. Zhang#, W.B. Wang#, W.D. Xing#, (共同一作) S.B. Cheng, S.Q. Deng, M. Angst, C.-P. Yu, F.L. Lan, Z.Y. Cheng, D. Mandrus, B. Sales, J. Shen, X.Y. Zhong, N.-H. Tai, R. Yu*, J. Zhu*, Effect of Oxygen Interstitial Ordering on Multiple Order Parameters in Rare Earth Ferrite. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019, 123, 247601.

15. W.D. Xing, Y. Zhang, F.Y. Meng*, C.C. Wang, Q. Tao, P.W. Zhu, J. Zhu, R. Yu*, Structure stabilization effect of configuration entropy in cubic WN, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 29243-29248.

16. W.D. Xing, X.J. Miao, F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Crystal structure of and displacive phase transition in tungsten nitride WN, J. Alloys Compd., 2017, 722, 517-524.

17. W.D. Xing, F.Y. Meng*, R. Yu*, Strengthening materials by changing the number of valence electrons, Comput. Mater. Sci., 2017, 129, 252-258.



