
日期:2021-11-01 阅读次数: 作者: 来源:


姓    名: 李梅金    
性    别:


职    称: 研究员(博导)
学    历: 博士
职    务: 教师
电    话: 0591-22866135
专    业: 分析化学
电子邮件: [email protected]
研究方向: 发光材料的设计合成和应用



2008-今 福州大学任教,
2015-2016年,美国乔治城大学(Georgetown University)访问学者。












2.国家自然科学青年基金:基于新型铼配合物与金纳米粒子相互作用的发光材料及其在生物酶传感器 (No. 20801014 )
3.福建省青年基金:新型铱配合物发光材料的设计合成及其电致化学发光和应用研究(No. 2009J05026 )
4. 福州大学发展基金:新型铼配合物发光材料对金纳米粒子的修饰及其应用 ( No. 2008-XQ-08 )
5. 福州大学人才引进基金:功能化钌配合物的设计合成及应用 (No. 826505)



1. J. Mu, Q. Feng, X. Chen, J. Li, H. Wang, M.-J Li*.Silica nanoparticles doped with an iridium(III) complex for rapid and fluorometric detection of cyanide, Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182(15), 2561-2566.
2. Q. Wang, W. Hu, Q. Feng, X.i Cao, W. Chai, C. Yi, M.-J. Li*. Coumarin-modified gold nanoprobes for the sensitive detection of caspase-3 , RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 43824-43830.
3. M.-J. Li*, Z. Lin, X. Chen and G. Chen. Colorimetric and luminescent bifunctional Ru(II) complexes for rapid and highly sensitive recognition of cyanide, Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 11745-11751.
4. M.-J. Li*, T. Lan, X. Cao, Hu. Yang, Y. Shi, C. Yi*, G. Chen. Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding, cleavage and cytotoxicity of copper(II) complexes, Dalton Trans.,2014,43,2789-2798.
5. M.-J. Li*, T. Lan, Z. Lin, C. Yi, G. Chen. Synthesis, characterization, and DNA binding of a novel ligand and its Cu(II) complex, J Biol Inorg Chem, 2013,18,993–1003.
6. G. Jin, L. Lu, X.o Gao, M.-J. Li*, B. Qiu, Z. Lin*, H. Yang, G. Chen. Magnetic graphene oxide-based electrochemiluminescent aptasensor for thrombin, Electrochimica Acta 89, 2013,13–17.
7. M.-J. Li*, X. Liu, Y. Shi, R. Xie, Q. Wei, and G. Chen.  Synthesis, structure, photophysics and electrochemiluminescence of Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes with cationic 2,2-bipyridyl ligands,Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 10612–10618.
8. M.-J. Li, K. M.-C. Wong, C. Yi, and V. W.-W. Yam*. New Ruthenium(II) Complexes Functionalized with Coumarin Derivatives:Synthesis, Energy-Transfer-Based Sensing of Esterase, Cytotoxicity, and Imaging Studies, Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 8724 – 8730.
9. M.-J. Li*, X. Liu, M. Nie, Z. Wu, C. Yi, G. Chen, and Vivian Wing-Wah Yam. New Rhenium(I) Complexes: Synthesis, Photophysics, Cytotoxicity, and Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles for Sensing of Esterase, Organometallics, 2012, 31(12), 4459-4466.
10. M.-J. Li*, M. Nie, Z. Wu, X. Liu, G. Chen*, Colorimetric and luminescent bifunctional Ru(II) complex-modified gold nano probe for sensing of DNA, Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2011, 29, 109–114.
11. M.-J. Li*, M. Lin, R. Xie, X. Liu, Q.-H. Wei, G.. Chen. Synthesis and electrochemiluminescence studies of tricarbonyl rhenium(I)complexes with a cationic 2,2-bipyridyl ligand, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56, 9344–9349.
12. M.-J. Li*, C. Zhan, M. Nie, G.n Chen, X. Chen*. Selective recognition of homocysteine and cysteine based on new ruthenium(II) complexes. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2011, 105, 420-425.
13. M.-J. Li*, P. Jiao, M. Lin, W. He, G. Chen and X. Chen*. High electrochemiluminescence of a new water-soluble iridium(III) complex for determination of antibiotics, Analyst, 2011, 136, 205–210.
14. M.-J. Li, W.-M. Kwok, V. W.-W. Yam and D. L. Phillips. Synthesis of Coumarin-Appended Pyridyl Tricarbonylrhenium(I) 2,2’-Bipyridyl Complexes with Oligoether Spacer and Their Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Studies. Organometallics, 2009, 28, 1620–1630.  
15. M.-J. Li, Z. Chen, V. W.-W. Yam and Y. Zu. Multifunctional Ruthenium (II) Polypyridine Complex-Based Core-Shell Magnetic Silica Nanocomposites: Magnetism, Luminescence and Electrochemiluminescence. ACS Nano, 2008, 2, 905-912.
16. M.-J. Li, Z. Chen, N. Zhu, V. W.-W. Yam and Y. Zu. Electrochemiluminescence of Ruthenium(II) Complexes Functionalized with Crown Ether Pendants and Effects of Cation-Binding. Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 1218-1223.  






